"description":"NVBackupUI\nRuns in the background on some phones.\nHandles things related to OTA system updates?\nSafe to disable, but might break OTA updates.",
"description":"TCMA = Tiered Contention Multiple Access\nRuns on boot.\nA form of CSMA/CA, a cellular traffic management protocol. TCMA schedules transmission of different types of traffic based on urgency.\nChina-only? (the \"cn\" in cn.oneplus is China's country code)\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrier-sense_multiple_access_with_collision_avoidance\nhttps://patents.google.com/patent/US20020163933A1",
"description":"TCMA = Tiered Contention Multiple Access\nRuns on boot.\nA form of CSMA/CA, a cellular traffic management protocol. TCMA schedules transmission of different types of traffic based on urgency.\nChina-only? (the \"cn\" in cn.oneplus is China's country code)\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrier-sense_multiple_access_with_collision_avoidance\nhttps://patents.google.com/patent/US20020163933A1",
"description":"Accessible through the Wallpapers selection menu.\nProvides photos uploaded by OnePlus users, allowing you to set them as your wallpaper.\nEach day, one new photo appears within the application.",
"description":"Mi Doc viewer\nDocuments (*.doc/docx, *.ppt/pptx, *.xls/xlsx, *.pdf, *.wps, and *.txt) viewer powered by WPS Office\nFYI: WPS is a Chinese closed-source software. It's as bad as Microsoft Office (privacy-wise)\nhttps://www.wps.com/privacy-policy\n",
"description":"ZTE Voice Recorder with... 33 permissions and talking with Baidu servers. Pithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/bab47d32f5b93cdf4d3a3cb082d1d0e7ba3e323356391b2d46e63617c1d15324",
"description":"IMEI Tool: Change MEID's & IMEI's of both SIM's\nEnter *#*#08#*#* in the dial pad to access\n",
"description":"Memory tester\nHidden test menu. Used in diagnostics, normally invoked by MMI(Man-Machine Interface) Codes\n",
"description":"App blocker\nSettings > Intelligent assistance: App blocker\n Unihertz power management service killing background apps to improve battery performance.",
"description":"Battery Stats Dumper\nLets you check and clear battery usage statistics.\nEnter *#*#010#*#* in the dial pad to access this hidden menu.",
"description":"Student mode (From Unihertz Jelly2)\nSets limits to time - range, network, application limits and so on, to use a mobile phone reasonably. Under this mode, user is not allowed to install applications or factory reset. Applications not in white-list are disabled.",
"description":"The first time you turn your device on, a Welcome screen is displayed. It guides you through the basics of setting up your device.\nIt's the setup for LG services.\n",
"description":"Xiaomi Camera (I don't know why they kept this package name. It's really confusing.)\nIt's a proprietary app based on the AOSP sources:\nhttps://android.googlesource.com/platform/packages/apps/Camera2/+/master/src/com/android/camera\n",
"description":"Xiaomi/Mi File Explorer (Again it's a really poor choice for a package name considering it is not the AOSP File explorer)\nIt's a Closed-source app based on the AOSP version.\n",
"description":"Xiaomi (and OnePlus) Phone dialer (here we go again! Another confusing package name)\n\nClosed-source app built on top of the AOSP package.\nThe name is doubly misleading because this package is the whole dialer. It does not only provide the 'in call' screen.",
"description":"It's a proprietary app based on the AOSP package called com.android.keyguard. Lets you customize your lock screen wallpapers.\nIf you have EMUI 10 or older, check the AOSP file, as Huawei uses AOSP package name for their own app.",
"description":"Mi Drive \nMisleading package name. It is indeed a closed-source Xiaomi application.\nAllow for cloud storage (on Mi Cloud) and syncing across multiple Android devices.\n",
"description":"MIUI Themes (manager)\nXiaomi seems to love confusing package names.\nLets you select and apply themes provided by Xiaomi.\nNOTE: Disabling will break the ability to change lock-screen wallpaper.",
"description":"Calculator - unit converter (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.asus.calculator)\nHas more permissions than a Calculator app reasonably should have.\nConnects to a few Google and currency exchange-rate servers.\nhttps://beta.pithus.org/report/817514371bbdb76ec52da4c8456bbc116deec179603099deabbe6fcce6f6ccdb",
"description":"ASUS Sound recorder (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.asus.soundrecorder)\nConnects to Google Analytics and some Asus servers, which is a bit sketchy for a sound recording app..\nhttps://beta.pithus.org/report/f4cf38e1c35a04c3579fa198d2abd3ef1ff7be79633d6d3f2bc69c8a69164e1d",
"description":"ZenUI Help (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.asus.userfeedback)\nCustomer service app that provides FAQs, Mobile care service, user feedback, and public forums.\nLots of telemetry (insecure on top of that):\nhttps://beta.pithus.org/report/e80a1fa70adc097fc9817720b5c8c81cfd156a76e6d062759b2bc3d6937a97e7",
"description":"Appcloud\nPersistent notification until you click on it and agree to install games. Sort of game cloud pre-installed in some Xiaomi phones\nSafe to remove.",
"description":"Woh! 51 permissions! \nHuawei chinese stock input keyboard. You probably shouldn't trust this closed-source keyboard with this much permissions...NOTE: Make sure to have another keyboard installed before removing this package!\n",
"description":"Baidu IME (Baidu keyboard)\nYOU SHOULD NEVER USE A CLOSED-SOURCE KEYBOARD ! \nhttps://www.techrepublic.com/blog/asian-technology/japanese-government-warns-baidu-ime-is-spying-on-users/\nArchive : https://web.archive.org/save/https://www.techrepublic.com/blog/asian-technology/japanese-government-warns-baidu-ime-is-spying-on-users/\nNOTE: Make sure you have installed another keyboard before removing this package.\n",
"description":"Default keyboard (Baidu IME customized for Vivo devices).\nThe number of requested permissions for this keyboard is terrifying. You really should use another keyboard. Pithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/d4cdf8fedcd94436ade720cb8df9b4ef32aca6c7822cae6c8698937d68e20363",
"description":"Vivo account\nVivo privacy policy is really bad: https://privacy.vivo.com/privacy\nNote: Removing this will obviously break fuctions that require Vivo account authentication: accessibility, data backup etc.",
"description":"Vivo app store.\nNote: apps from this store can still be upgraded with the built-in check upgrade feature even with this package removed",
"description":"Default calendar app.\n50 permissions for a calendar app. What could go wrong?\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/db107cb828a1ec9b7cbcd9fd86542da877fdf4cf947c18c8a48a2b09e568ad10",
"description":"User experience service\nTelemetry app.\nNote:Disabling this will break trial version system upgrade feature.",
"description":"Adware file manager aka 'CZ File Manager' that mostly came preinstalled on Lenovo Tablets.\nFile management is a basic necessity, make sure you install a third-party file manager for this purpose.\n",
"description":"Lets you check if your registered phone is still under warranty (will send your IMEI to 'esa-reg-eup.myoppo.com'). Has a lot of permissions and run at boot.",
"description":"Gaming utility aiming at 'optimizing your gaming experience'. Has a lot of permissions. For instance, it has internet access, will scans all the apps you have on your phones (to find games), can performs Bluetooth scan and has access to the metadata of your media files (e.g the place where you took a picture).",
"description":"Lock your phone if you click on the app icon. Completely useless unless your physical power button is damaged.\nThis app still has the permission to list all the apps installed on the phone.",
"description":"Previously OPPO Share. File sharing app to transfer data from/to Oppo devices only. Seems to use weak crypto (AES ECB mode) and has weird permissions (such as `READ_CONTACTS`).",
"warning":"Removing this app will break the functionality to share photos directly from ColorOS Photos app and break the 'share with' prompt after taking a screenshot."
"description":"Provides so called 'optimization tools' and various security scanning services.\nThese virus scanning services may have privacy implications.",
"description":"Standard FaceUnlock functionality?\nUnlock your device by simply looking at the display.\nFace unlock is bad for security and privacy.",
"description":"Previously GameMode.\nLegacy game Optimizing Service (is replaced by com.samsung.android.game.gos)\nIs supposed to \"improve\" game performance.",
"description":"CP = Client Provisioning.\nSurely used to push new carrier internet/MMS settings automatically\nMaybe it's useful if carriers change their APN... but you still can change it manually, it's not difficult.\n",
"description":"Some overlay for an APN widget. Overlays are usually themes.\nAPN means Access Point Name and must be configured with carrier values in order for your device to acess the carrier's network.",
"description":"Spyware app which sends warranty details to China\nhttps://milankragujevic.com/the-trade-of-privacy-for-convenience\nhttps://nitter.net/drwetter/status/1108801189662130176",
"description":"Battery protect is advertised to improve battery performance, but in practice it drains your battery and kills apps aggressively.\nhttps://dontkillmyapp.com/nokia\nNokia decided to stop using this app-killer in the future:\nhttps://www.androidpolice.com/2019/08/27/nokia-hmd-phones-disable-evenwell-background-process-app-killer/",
"description":"FQC is a secret test menu. It lets you test the hardware (touch screen, speakers, SD card, SIM card, camera...)\nYou need to type *#*#372733#*#* in the Nokia dialer\n",
"description":"HDR Service (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.evenwell.hdrservice)\nEnhances contrast and sharpness for normal photos, games and videos dynamically.\n",
"description":"Nokia implementation of com.android.managedprovisioning? If so it manages Android user accounts, allowing you to add extra accounts. The typical use-case is setting up a corporate profile that is controlled by the employer on an employee's personal device, to keep personal and work data separate.",
"description":"Provider for the Nokia weather app.\nContent providers encapsulate data, providing centralized management of data shared between apps.\nhttps://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html",
"description":"UAF client for FIDO.\nFido is a set of open technical specifications for mechanisms of authenticating users to online services that do not depend on passwords.\nhttps://fidoalliance.org/specs/u2f-specs-1.0-bt-nfc-id-amendment/fido-glossary.html\nhttps://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-v2.0-rd-20170927/fido-overview-v2.0-rd-20170927.html\nThe UAF protocol is designed to enable online services to offer passwordless and multi-factor security by allowing users to register their device to the online service and using a local authentication mechanism such as iris or fingerprint recognition.\nhttps://developers.google.com/identity/fido/android/native-apps\nSafe to remove if you don't use password-less authentification to access online services.",
"description":"IFAA = (China’s) Internet Finance Authentication Alliance\nProvides biometric authentication for Alipay. Probably safe to disable if you don't use it.",
"description":"Demo mode - you see it in the stores (the video playing while idle).",
"description":"WearOS settings",
"description":"Installs carrier apps after the first time setup. Haven't noticed any consequences after uninstalling. I also saw some similar bloatware packages on the net, ending with clockwork.gestures.tutorial - first time use tutorial or clockwork.flashlight, clockwork.nfc, clockwork.brightness",
"description":"It's like doze on Android phones. Not recommended to disable, as this package reduces battery drain when idle.",
"description":"Google Assistant for Android wearables (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.wearable.assistant)\n\nHas obviously all the dangerous permissions: https://beta.pithus.org/report/efccf27aa68d9c263e4288d38af76f855b5fd4156034ebdaabeb185d8c4f1411",
"description":"It's used to manage battery-related things on Android smartwatches, like monitoring the battery level, managing power consumption (auto battery saving I think), and handling battery-related events (pop-up when battery at 15%, etc.). It is typically used by developers to create battery-aware applications for wearable devices.",
"description":"Health Services by Google\n (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.wearable.healthservices)\n\nDisabling this on a Watch5 broke heart rate measuring and some workouts.",
"description":"HeyTap Cloud\nBad privacy policy: https://muc.heytap.com/document/heytap/oversea/privacyPolicy/privacyPolicy_en-US.html\nWhy does the app need `REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES` (can install packages)?\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/dbf265db47f8632453bb83ef51ea1d921413c02a8d24c989345896de83704a75",
"description":"Most likely used to track your habits from IoT HeyTap devices [TO BE CONFIRMED]",
"description":"Heytap/Oppo app store.There is no benefit of using this app store and you should not keep a privileged app with as many permissions.\n\nhttps://developers.oppomobile.com/newservice/capability?pagename=app_store\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/3a2a10af9310411d814fd6dd252adec1ab0c06adf32a675b7534c3edc0e534bf",
"description":"Default Oppo Music App with insecure WebView Implementation (execution of user controlled code in WebView is an important security hole).\nHas also weird permissions (QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES and BLUETOOTH ?).",
"description":"Lock Screen Magazine which can display ads depending on your ColorOS version",
"description":"Theme Store with 73 permissions! (including CAMERA, CALL_PHONE, READ_CONTACTS, REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES...) and 2 trackers.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/e8c4fc2bae420cf5f094ce914f25accdede5152f9d801db6eb32a4020a7726b2",
"description":"Login service for various HeyTap related services like HeyTap Cloud etc.\nNeeded if you want to join Early Access Testing for new ColorOS/RealmeUI\n\n[APK NEEDED]",
"description":"Huawei Phone Clone (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hicloud.android.clone)\n171 Permissions (https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/fr/reports/144565/)\nData migration application between Huawei phones.\nKeep in mind that all your data will be synchronised in the Huawei cloud and collected by the company.\nhttps://cloud.huawei.com/privacyStatementTransit\n",
"description":"also called android-ss-service-lib (Samsung-exclusive)\nThird-party that provides caller profile information to help consumers identify incoming calls and block unwanted ones.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiya_(company)\nhttps://hiya.com/\nNOTE : Never trust a company which promotes spam blocking features\nhttps://itmunch.com/robocall-caught-sending-customers-confidential-data-without-consent/\n\nHave a look at their privacy policy. That's... pretty scary : https://hiya.com/fr/hiya-data-policy\nNeeded for Samsung Smart Call (com.samsung.android.smartcallprovider)",
"description":"My Phone (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hmdglobal.support)\nLets you join the Nokia phones community, get app recommendations, explore your phone’s user guide and more.\n",
"description":"Secret logging menu only accessible by dialing using a \"secret code\" (*#*#CODE#*#*)\nYou can use any of these code : \"995995\", \"996996\", \"9434\", \"334334\", \"5959\", \"477477\"\nUsed to log Bluetooth traffic and send them to com.miui.bugreport\nWrite logs to \"/sdcard/diag_logs/\" | \"/sdcard/wlan_logs/\" | \"/sdcard/MIUI/debug_log/common/\"\n#\nFYI Huaqin is a Chinese mobile phone research and development company.\n",
"description":"Hidden test app (dial *#*#64663#*#*)\nUsed by technician in factory to test the hardware. Not intented to be run by end-users. \nHas a huge amount of permissions.\nA vulnerability was found in 2019 (CVE-2019-15340) allowing any app co-located on the device to \nprogrammatically disable and enable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS silently (and without the corresponding access permission)\nhttps://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2019-15340\n",
"description":"SetTransmitPower\nI can't access the apk but I'm pretty sure it is another hidden test app not meant to be used by end-user\nGiven its name it could be used to adjust the transmit power of the cell phone antennas\nSAR = Specific Absorption Rate (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_absorption_rate)\nXDA users removed this without any issues. To be 100% sure it would be good to test the SAR without this package (just in case)\n",
"description":"As of writing this, Huawei phones cannot be rooted. \nThis Backup application is probably able to backup more than any other 3rd party backup app.\n",
"description":"Huawei Services Framework\n3 permissions : DELETE_PACKAGES, INSTALL_PACKAGES, PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS\nSafe to remove according to huawei users\n",
"description":"Manages Intelligent Resolution and changing screen resolution in settings.\nIntelligent Resolution will be not available and changing screen resolution in settings.",
"label":"System Update",
"description":"OTA updates. Safe to remove if you have a very outdated device or flashed recovery.",
"description":"Huawei Pay\nMobile payment and e-wallet service for Huawei devices that offers the same services as Apple Pay, Samsung Pay etc...\nhttps://consumer.huawei.com/en/mobileservices/huawei-wallet/\n",
"warning":"Make sure you've another installed before you disable.\nMaybe you'll need this package for the recent apps feature to work (even if you have another launcher installed)",
"description":"push notification agent\nSeems to only be used for Huawei apps\nThe recompiled java code makes it look like it's once again mainly used for analytics.\n",
"description":"Huawei Smart Controller app.\nLets you you add, customize, and set up remote controls, allowing control of your electronic appliances through your phone. \n",
"description":"Lets you download and use Huawei themes.",
"warning":"After uninstalling the app, setting wallpapers directly will no longer work, but the wallpaper entry in the Settings app will still let you choose wallpapers. Without this package, you may no longer be able to change a notification sound."
"description":"Wi-Fi Direct feature.\nNote: Wifi direct enables devices to establish a direct Wi-Fi connection (without a router) over which the two can send and receive files.",
"description":"Wi-Fi Direct feature.\nNote: Wifi direct enables devices to establish a direct Wi-Fi connection (without a router) over which the two can send and receive files. \n",
"description":"Always On Display\nWhen enabled in settings it shows clock and notifications when you raise the phone or touch the screen.\nThis is basically a lower-power lock-screen. It could in theory reduce power draw if you check notifications/clock often as OLED screens draw minimal power showing a mostly black screen(black = pixel off), but in practice the number of times you'll unintentionally trigger it will likely eat up any potential power savings and more. And if your device doesn't have an OLED screen this will draw way more power.\nMost of these power savings could be applied to your standard lock-screen simply by making your background image completely black.\nRedSkull23 says it's unsafe to remove. Does it bootloop?",
"description":"After system boots up, it checks your current mobile carrier, loads a list of packages and install/uninstall them based on MCC codes. Can possibly be abused by malware.",
"description":"HwUE (Huawei UserExperience)\nWhen a company call a something 'UserExperience' you know you don't need this.\nAnalytics service, run at boot. Collect information about packages/apps usages.\nHas a nice custom permission called com.huawei.permission.BIG_DATA\n",
"description":"It seems to be related to verifying the authenticity of user behavior and enhancing password security. User can disable it so it's safe to remove.",
"description":"Huawei Contacts sync\nMy guess (can't have the apk on hand) is this enables you to synchronise your contacts with your Huawei account.\n",
"description":"From XDA thread : \"Service that is been used when you wanna use your phone as an operative system on a PC.\"\nI don't understand what does it mean.\n",
"description":"Quick App Center\nComponent of AppGallery (Huawei's app store) providing Quick Apps support. Quick Apps are Javascript+CSS apps that don't need any installation. This technology has its uses but I'm personally not a huge fan on having to rely on a JS engine to run an application\nThis system app has a lot of permissions (including SEND_SMS, CAMERA, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, RECORD_AUDIO... why?)\nMore information: https://www.xda-developers.com/huawei-quick-apps-alternative-google-instant-apps/\n OW2 Quick App whitepaper: https://quick-app-initiative.ow2.io/docs/Quick_App_White_Paper.pdf",
"description":"Fido is a set of open technical specifications for mechanisms of authenticating users to online services that do not depend on passwords.\nThe UAF protocol is designed to enable online services to offer passwordless and multi-factor security by allowing users to register their device to the online service and using a local authentication mechanism such as iris or fingerprint recognition.\nSafe to remove if you don't use password-less authentification to access online servics.",
"description":"GeofenceService.\nAllows you to do something when a user enters an area that has been defined as a trigger.\nA geofence is a virtual perimeter set on a real geographic area. Combining a user position with a geofence perimeter, \nit is possible to know if the user is inside or outside the geofence or even if he is exiting or entering the area.\n",
"description":"Huawei HiTouch\nAssistant capable to recognize the objects in a photo and to search them through various shopping sites.\nhttps://consumer.huawei.com/uk/support/faq/have-you-tried-the-new-hitouch-assistant/\n",
"description":"Something to do with 5G? For some reason, this is also installed on a non-5G device. Can be uninstalled from phone settings so should be safe if you don't have 5G.",
"description":"FIDO UAF Autenthicator-Specific Module.\nSee 'com.huawei.fido.uafclient' for FIDO explaination.\nThe UAF Authenticator-Specific Module (ASM) is a software interface on top of UAF authenticators which gives a standardized way for FIDO UAF clients to detect and access the functionality of UAF authenticators and hides internal communication complexity from FIDO UAF Client.",
"description":"Huawei Mobile Services\nHuawei’s alternative to Google Play Services. Needed to access advanced Huawei features.\nA Huawei ID is required to access services, like Themes, Mobile Cloud, HiCare, Huawei Wear, Huawei Health.",
"description":"Voice over IP service for Huawei MeeTime (com.huawei.meetime). Only works with EMUI 9.1+ Huawei phones.\nHuawei claims they use E2EE but this wasn't verified and there is no whitepaper, so don't trust them.\nThey also collect metadata.",
"description":"App Prioritizer. Prioritizes apps to avoid slowdown\nUp to you but there is apparently no noticeable difference when deleted?\nSystem will start lagging a little bit (you will notice it while scrolling and on some animations, for example scrolling installed apps), battery consumption will become slightly higher and battery stats will disappear soon. At the same time, logcat will be full of errors like: PowerKit: PG Server is not found. calling pid xxxx.",
"description":"AppGallery Connect\nDedicated to providing one-stop services for app creation, development, distribution, operations and engagement. Useless for ordinary users.",
"description":"MeeTime (https://consumer.huawei.com/en/support/content/en-us00956296/). Voice and video calling application by Huawei. Only workds with EMUI 9.1+ Huawei phones. Huawei claims they use E2EE but this wasn't verified and there is not Whitepaper so don't trust them. They also collect metadata. There is no advantages to use this app instead of the reputed open-source Signal app.",
"description":"Huawei Mirror app. \nMirror like \"Glass\"\n\nHuawei mirrorlink implementation\nUsed to connect your phone to a car (with https://mirrorlink.com/ support) in order to provide audio streaming, GPS navigation...\n",
"description":"Huawei Member Center\nGives reward offers and news to Huawei users. Very intrusive app: 68 permissions inclusing CAMERA, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES. Can run in the background and just after boot even if you haven't unlock your phone yet. Phones home.",
"description":"Parental controls functions.\nIt seems Huawei can prevent to remove packages. Uninstalling (or even disabling) this package returns an error: Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] (not allowed to disable this package).\n See https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater/issues/51",
"description":"HiSuite service. Used by HiSuite PC software.\nHiSuite enables you to backup your data and restore them from/to your phone.\nhttps://consumer.huawei.com/en/support/hisuite/\n",
"description":"Huawei Gallery app.\nNote: The official camera app refuses to open photos in another gallery (you can't review your picture from the camera app)\n",
"description":"Task killer app in EMUI 9+ (Android 9+).\nTask killer apps tend to do more harm than help as they clear cached RAM for no good reason, removing the battery and time savings involved in caching. In addition to the obvious issues with background functionality like notifications. However, system may start lagging a little bit (you will notice it while scrolling and on some animations, for example scrolling installed apps), battery consumption will become slightly higher and battery stats will disappear soon. At the same time, logcat will be full of errors like: PowerKit: PG Server is not found. calling pid xxxx.",
"description":"AI Lens. Shop for objects that you take a picture of. This de-clutters the camera interface by removing the AI Lens button on the top left corner and does not break the AR Measure app.",
"description":"Allows you to search through settings, files, contacts and notes while keeping a record of your search history.\nHi Search is really annonying because it's triggered as soon as you wipe down from the middle part of the home.",
"description":"Lets you store private information in a hidden space within your device that can only be accessed with your fingerprint or password.\nThis is the password vault or manager too.",
"description":"AI Lens. Shop for objects that you take a picture of. This de-clutters the camera interface by removing the AI Lens button on the top left corner and does not break the AR Measure app.\n \nFloating menu with M-Pen feature.\n",
"description":"Huawei Cloud & Network Synergy.\nSeems to be related to B2B (Business To Business) cloud stuff.\nhttps://www.huawei.com/en/press-events/news/2016/10/Cloud-Network-Synergy-Whitepaper\n",
"description":"Smart unlock feature.\nEnables you to unlock your phone with a Bluetooth device, like a smart band. \nWhen a compatible Bluetooth device is detected, you can unlock your phone with a simple swipe (without a password).\n",
"description":"HiVoice app\nHuawei voice assistant (like Siri or Google assistant)\nHuge privacy risk. Keep in mind that the app keeps the microphone *on* non-stop.\nIs now Celia (https://consumer.huawei.com/en/emui/celia/)\n",
"description":"Formerly, Huawei Pay, is a mobile payment and e-wallet service for Huawei devices that offers the same services as Apple Pay, Samsung Pay etc.",
"description":"Default voice input method from iflytek, a big chinese company (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IFlytek)\nIFLytek was implicated in human rights violations : \nhttps://asia.nikkei.com/Economy/Trade-war/US-sanctions-8-China-tech-companies-over-role-in-Xinjiang-abuses\nArchive: https://web.archive.org/save/https://asia.nikkei.com/Economy/Trade-war/US-sanctions-8-China-tech-companies-over-role-in-Xinjiang-abuses\n",
"description":"Partnered with COPPA Certified (https://cert.privo.com/#/companies/kidoz18) KIDOZ Inc.\nProvides kids friendly relevant services based on their 'usage behaviour'.\nAccording to EFF sends device model, brand, country, timezone, screen size, view events, click events, logtime of events, and a unique “KID ID information to Kidoz.",
"description":"Samsung Knox allows business and personal content to \"securely\" coexist on the same handset.\nThis package handles proxies alongside KNOX.",
"description":"Lenovo ID adds an option in Settings>Accounts where you can login to a Lenovo ID account.\nFeatures include \"exclusive features directly from Lenovo and our partners\" and \"syncing users information across devices\"\nlsf = Lenovo Service Framework",
"description":"Lenovo ID adds an option in Settings>Accounts where you can login to a Lenovo ID account.\nFeatures include \"exclusive features directly from Lenovo and our partners\" and \"syncing users information across devices\"\nlsf = Lenovo Service Framework.",
"description":"User Experience Program\nAnalytics stuff. Displays an annoying notification after every reboot prompting you to join this user experience program.",
"description":"Setup View\nLG first setup (related to com.android.LGSetupWizard). \nThe first time you turn your device on, a Welcome screen is displayed. It guides you through the basics of setting up your device.\n",
"description":"Multitasking framework\nAllows you to use multitasking features like multiple apps in one screen.\nDoes not remove screen pinning feature.\nI don't know if this removes the floating windows feature that you have to enable with ADB (to make it look more like a desktop)",
"description":"LG Backup\nCan backup your mobile devices LG Home screen, device settings, apps, and contacts to your computer.\nhttps://www.lg.com/us/support/help-library/lg-android-backup-CT10000025-20150104708841\n",
"description":"LG Mobile Switch Launcher\nThis doesn't remove the default launchers.\nIt is most likely to backup/restore the user's launcher configuration.\n",
"description":"Memories album\nGallery automatically creates a Memories album with pictures and videos saved in the phone. \nMemories is a virtual album of pictures saved in the phone or SD card.\nSource : https://www.lg.com/hk_en/support/product-help/CT30019000-1433767985158-others\n",
"description":"DRM Service\nProbably required for some forms of DRM; disabling might break things like Netflix streaming, which relies on DRM to function.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management",
"description":"LG EasyHome\nEasyHome is a more simplified version of the Home screen that you can choose to use on your phone.\nIt displays the Home screen like a remote control device. T\nSource : https://www.lg.com/us/mobile-phones/VS985/Userguide/048.html\n",
"description":"It looks like the Microsoft outlook/email in the logo. Believe this is some sort of microsoft integration.\nI don't 100% remember if I was able to add accounts to the phone still (eg. Nextcloud), I need to test that soon.",
"description":"LG Floating bar\nLets you put shortcuts to apps or features, as well as quick access to contacts and music player controls on a \"floating bar\" on the Home screen.\nhttps://www.neowin.net/news/lg-v30-closer-look-floating-bar/\n",
"description":"LG Friends Manager (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lge.friendsmanager)\nWTF ? Completely useless app.\nNot sure but I think it enables you to download an app for a friend LG user.\n",
"description":"LG Collage Wallpapers\nAllows you to create patchwork wallpaper from several photos.\nhttps://www.lg.com/uk/support/product-help/CT00008356-20150332136499-others\n",
"description":"Settings/features for games, such as resolution and frame rate limiting.\nA little side note, any games installed in the work profile can't use gametuner (maybe if you install this package into the work profile it'll work)",
"description":"GCUV\nNot 100% sure but @siraltus from XDA thinks it refers to \"Gauce Components\" which seems to be the LG's version of CSC \n(carrier sales code - automatic carrier-specific customization).\nIt gets run on first boot after factory reset, sets up the ROM features based on which carrier and country code is specified \nin the build.prop, and then gets frozen so it doesn't reconfigure things on subsequent boots.\nIt's basically the only person to mention \"Gauce components\" on the web (other than restricted LG webpages when using Google dorks).\nhttps://forum.xda-developers.com/tmobile-lg-v10/development/rom-lg-v10-h901-10c-debranded-debloated-t3277305/page12/page12\n",
"description":"Answer me 2.0\nAllows you to bring the phone to your ear to answer an incoming call automatically.\nhttps://www.lg.com/us/mobile-phones/VS980/Userguide/109-1.html\n",
"description":"GNSS Air Test\nGNSS test, used to test... GNSS. Not needed, and GPNSS will continue to work.\nNOTE : GNSS = Global Navigation Satellite System and is the standard generic term for satellite navigation systems.\nThis term includes e.g. the GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Beidou and other regional systems.\n",
"description":"LG Home selector\nThis is the settings menu for the home launcher (present in the settings app as \"Home launcher\")\nIf you remove this app, the Home screen settings menu is gone from settings app. (not needed if you use external launcher)\n You can still switch between installed launchers, the package name is a bit misleading.\n",
"description":"InCalAgent\nRelated to interface while you're in a call. Seems also related to tasks list stuff.\nCan someone tell me what happens when you delete it ? I think it is safe.\n",
"description":"SmartSetting\nTurns on/off or changes features, settings and more according to where you are or what you do.\nhttps://www.lg.com/us/support/help-library/lg-android-smart-settings-CT10000025-20150103623722\n",
"description":"LG Smart settings\nIFTTT = “if this, then that.”. Smart Settings can be seens as IFTTT.\nSome events automatically triggers actions.\n",
"description":"LG Stock Keyboard\nDo not remove if you don't have an alternate keyboard available. Personally, I keep the stock keyboard just in case the keyboard app crash/fails (this happened to me once) locking me out of entering password.\n",
"description":"Handwriting feature on the LG keyboard\n",
"warning":"On LG G6 (and maybe on other LG phones) removing this may cause the LG keyboard to stop inputing characters. Make sure to use another keyboard before removing this package."
"description":"LG Home (v2)\nStock launcher\nIt's basically the home screen, the way icons apps are organized and displayed.\nDON'T REMOVE THIS IF YOU DIDN'T INSTALL ANOTHER LAUNCHER!\nNOTE : Yeah there is another package described as \"launcher\". Normally, you only have one of them on your phone. \n",
"description":"\"Optimus\" theme for the LG launcher (v2)\n",
"description":"LG Home (v3)\nStock launcher\nIt's basically the home screen, the way icons apps are organized and displayed.\nDON'T REMOVE THIS IF YOU DIDN'T INSTALL ANOTHER LAUNCHER!\nNOTE : Yeah there is 3 packages described as \"launcher\". Normally, you only have one of them on your phone. \n",
"description":"Handle permissions for LG DRM (com.lge.drmservice).\nWhy does LG need a whole package for this?",
"description":"Wifi Hotspot service\nREMINDER : Hotspot enable you to share the phone’s 4G data connection with any Wi-Fi capable devices.\nIt is not the Hotspot feature. Only the widget ! \n\nDual SIM status widget\nProbably only present in dual sim LG phone variants. Does not remove the persistent notification or dual SIM functionality.\n\nService menus. I believe if you remove the last one the secret code you can dial doesn't work anymore (who needs it anyway..?)\n\nLG support App remote access\nYou probably don't want that to happen\n\nLAOP test [MORE INFO NEEDED]\nI don't know what LAOP is. I could not find information about it. It's a test so it's probably fine. I have removed it.",
"description":"LG Install Service\nUsed by LG to install some of its apps on the phone. Not needed unless you use the LG apps manager.\n",
"description":"LG Health (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lge.lifetracker)\nAccording to users reviews, it is a very bad activity tracking app. \nPrivacy wise, you should never use this kind of thing obviously. \nhttps://www.lg.com/us/support/help-library/lg-android-lg-health-CT30013120-20150103629401\n",
"description":"MirrorLink\nEnables you to connect your phone to a car to provide audio streaming, GPS navigation...\nhttps://www.lg.com/ca_en/support/product-help/CT30014940-1440413573040-others\nhttps://mirrorlink.com/\n",
"description":"LG MLT\nRun in background all the time and probably serves purpose to help LG remote support. The thing is this acts as a good spyware. \nIt tries to track all your activity and logs GPS position together with the details gathered, and that includes calls, apps starting etc...\nAll data is collected and placed on /mpt partition, it seems not to be per reboot, but actually kept during flash and upgrades.\n#\nhttps://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2187920\n",
"description":"Voice Mate Speech Pack\nVoice Mate (now Q Vocie) is the LG Personal assistant (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_Mate)\nThis package provides speech pack. Is it the main Q-voice package ? I don't think so but I need confirmation.\n",
"description":"LG Audio Share \nEnables you to connect two devices so that you can share the sound from music or video files with another LG devices.\nhttps://www.lg.com/hk_en/support/product-help/CT30007700-20150123957406-others\n",
"description":"My Place\nAnalyses the place you stay the most and recognises it as My Place (or your home) automatically.\nhttps://www.lg.com/uk/support/product-help/CT00008356-1433767701724-setting\n",
"description":"Smart Doctor App\nEnables you to shut down idle apps and delete temporary files.\nLets you also see phone battery, mobile data, apps, network status and usage patterns.\nOn the paper it seems good but in practise, Android handle 8+ handles very well idles apps. \nhttps://www.lg.com/ca_en/support/product-help/CT20098088-20150129256824-others\n",
"description":"LG Content lock\nYou can lock the LG Gallery with a password or pattern. When connected to a PC, Content Lock prevents file previews.\nhttps://www.lg.com/us/support/help-library/lg-g4-content-lock-CT10000027-1432774759427\n",
"description":"Quick Help\nApp which provides you with support articles (FAQ section that walks you through most of the major features of the phone).\nYou can request support via email or request a call from LG.\nhttps://www.lg.com/us/support/help-library/lg-android-quick-help-CT10000026-20150103624836\n",
"description":"LG QuickMemo+\nAllows you to capture screen shots and use them to create memos. You can also insert a reminder, location information, image, video, and audio.\nhttps://www.lg.com/us/support/help-library/lg-android-quickmemo-CT10000025-20150103629575\n",
"description":"LG AirDrive\nLets you to control files in your device via a wireless connection. \nTo use it, you need to sign in to your LG account on both the PC and mobile device.\nhttps://www.lg.com/africa/support/product-help/CT20080025-1436354408798-others\n \nLG AirDrive settings\nSee package above.\n",
"description":"SmartShare \nFeature that uses DLNA technology to stream multimedia contents between DLNA devices.\nDLNA is a non-profit trade organisation which defines standards that enable devices to share stuff with each other.\nBasically LG provides a way to stream multimedia contents from your phone to your smart TV (or via a DLNA plugin)\nhttps://www.lg.com/ca_en/support/product-help/CT31903570-1428542236040-file-media-transfer-pictures-music-etc\n",
"description":"Provider for Smart Share. \nNeeded by com.lge.smartshare.\nREMINDER : content providers help an application manage access to data stored by itself, stored by other apps, \nand provide a way to share data with other apps. They encapsulate the data, and provide mechanisms for defining data security\n",
"description":"Snap Page\nPart of the QuickMemo+ app, lets you capture the text/images/URL from a web page without grabbing ads.\nIt’s much like instapaper or pocket app, but it works locally, like reading mode on some browsers, saving only the body of the article. \nhttp://www.lg.com/us/mobile-phones/g4/display\n",
"description":"Smart cleaning\nDisplays the space in use and free space in your phone and allows you to selectively clean up your files.\nhttps://www.lg.com/us/mobile-phones/VS986/Userguide/339.html\n",
"description":"LG Bridge Service\nUsed to backup, restore, update your LG phone, and transfer files wirelessly between computer and LG phone. \nYou will need to install LG Bridge software on your PC.\nNOTE : Cause noticable battery drain.\n",
"description":"LG Black theme.\nSafe to remove, but also probably pointless to do so as most theme packages are just data containers.\nMake sure you don't delete the package for the theme you're currently using, I don't know what will happen then.",
"description":"LG High Contrast theme.\nSafe to remove, but also probably pointless to do so as most theme packages are just data containers.\nMake sure you don't delete the package for the theme you're currently using, I don't know what will happen then.",
"description":"LG Titan theme (labelled 'Platinum' in the theming app).\nSafe to remove, but also probably pointless to do so as most theme packages are just data containers.\nMake sure you don't delete the package for the theme you're currently using. I don't know what will happen then.",
"description":"LG White theme.\nSafe to remove, but also probably pointless to do so as most theme packages are just data containers.\nMake sure you don't delete the package for the theme you're currently using, I don't know what will happen then.",
"description":"I have never seen this menu in the settings app. I say its safe to remove. I can't think of any use case for this setting, it just allows you to change where you're allowed to touch the screen",
"description":"LG Update Center\nProvide Android upgrade and LG updates (Settings --> System --> Update Center)\nI believe you won't receive any updates if this packages is deleted.",
"description":"LG Voice care\nAllows you to use your device if the touch screen or display is damaged. \nYou must agree to location-based information use and personal information collection to use Voice Care. \nhttps://www.lg.com/hk_en/support/product-help/CT20136018-20150122834174-others\n",
"description":"Natural-language processing for LG intelligent assistant.\nUsed to understand what a human is saying when they speak.\nNeeded by QVoice\n",
"description":"Provide wifi-direct feature\nNote : Wifi-direct is Wi-Fi standard enabling devices to easily connect with each other without requiring a wireless access point.\nIt allows allows two devices to establish a direct Wi-Fi connection without requiring a wireless router\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi_Direct\nspmirroring = ??? screen p... mirroring ?\n",
"description":"LG P2p Service \nWifi-drect P2P allows the device to discover the services of nearby devices directly, without being connected to a network.\nNeeded for LG Wifi-direct feature.\nhttps://developer.android.com/training/connect-devices-wirelessly/nsd-wifi-direct\n",
"description":"Rescue Security by LogMeIn (https://www.logmeinrescue.com/)\nRemote support app. Motorola made a partnership with LogMeIn : https://www.logmeinrescue.com/customer-stories/motorola\nIt enables motorola representatives to login and remotely control the device for technical support.\n",
"description":"App Vault (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mi.android.globalminusscreen)\nGoogle Feed replica from Xiaomi\nCompletely useless app which displays all the trending stories from the web + a bunch of other stupid things.\n",
"description":"Mi Browser\nPrivacy nightmare. You really should use something else.\nhttps://www.xda-developers.com/xiaomi-mi-web-browser-pro-mint-collecting-browsing-data-incognito-mode/\n\nNote: Since MIUI 12, you can no longer uninstall this app. Disabling it still works fine.",
"description":"Home Layout\nIt most likely handles the main screen layout (grid size, apps placement...)\n#\nSome people removed this without issue. Can someone try and give feedback?\n",
"description":"Weird package related to the SetupWizard (the menu which assists you to setup your phone for the first time)\nA user said he needed to remove this package to be able to properly apply a dark theme to the Settings app.\n",
"description":"Discontinued. Xiaomi alternative to Google WebView\nIt is a system component for the Android operating system that allows Android apps to display content from the web directly inside an application. It's based on Chrome.",
"description":"UniPlay Service\nMIUI screen casting service. \nIf removed, you'll have to use Android's native casting services which can be accessed through a 3rd party app.\n",
"description":"Mi Pay (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mipay.in.wallet)\nContactless NFC-based mobile payment system that supports credit, debit and public transportation cards in China.\nhttps://www.mi-pay.com/\n#\n.in = Mi Pay for India\n.id = My Pay for Indonesia\n",
"description":"Mi Pay (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mipay.in.wallet)\nContactless NFC-based mobile payment system that supports credit, debit and public transportation cards in China.\nhttps://www.mi-pay.com/\n#\n.in = Mi Pay for India\n.id = My Pay for Indonesia\n",
"description":"Contactless NFC-based mobile payment system that supports credit, debit and public transportation cards in China.\nhttps://www.mi-pay.com/\n#\n.in = Mi Pay for India\n.id = My Pay for Indonesia",
"description":"Accesibility feature. Dictation (TTS) and speech output, \nmaking mobile devices more convenient for people who have difficulties using conventionally designed smartphones.",
"description":"Xiaomi Analytics\nThis app is shady. According to a guy who tried to reverse engineer the app, Xiaomi Analytics can replace any (signed?) package \nthey want silently on your device within 24 hours. Maybe that no longer the case now but... you don't want analytics anyway.\nSource : http://blog.thijsbroenink.com/2016/09/xiaomis-analytics-app-reverse-engineered/\n",
"description":"Mi Wallpaper Carousel (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.miui.android.fashiongallery)\nA lockscreen customization app. Displays a new photo every on your lock screen every time you turn ON your screen.\n",
"description":"MIUI Antispam \nspam phone numbers filter (blacklist).\nSuspicious analytics inside and has access to internet. Cloud backup possible.\nAt quick glance it is not a private antispam app.\nCan someone check what data are collected/transfered?\n",
"description":"AudioEffect from Xiaomi (https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/audiofx/AudioEffect)\nUsed by the equalizer (to be confirmed)\n",
"description":"MIUI Backup\nLocal Backup/Restore feature (Settings > Additional Settings > Local backups)\nIt seems this app can communicate with Mi Drop\nThis app has 73 permissions and can obviously do everything it want.\n",
"description":"Hardware tests\nSecret codes (https://nitter.net/fs0c131y/status/933353182956326913#m) lets you run hardware tests.\nhttps://c.mi.com/thread-1744085-1-0.html\n",
"description":"Shady Xiaomi cleaner app developed by Cheetah mobile which has previously been caught in ad fraud and user data theft with this app in 2018 (previously called com.miui.cleanmaster and banned from the PlayStore). This \"new\" app is still full of trackers\n",
"description":"Shady Xiaomi cleaner app developed by Cheetah mobile which has previously been caught in ad fraud and user data theft in 2018. The app has been banned from the PlayStore and then reintroduced under the package name 'com.miui.cleaner'.\n",
"description":"It is obiously needed for MIUI to work correctly. FYI, it manages the MIUI Analytics service. Can be disabled and uninstalled with MIUI 13.0.6.",
"description":"Floating window\nI think the name of the app is pretty straightforward\nYou can make apps appear above other applications\nhttps://forum.xda-developers.com/android/miui/floating-windows-miui-12-t4125661\n",
"description":"The security check / virus scan that runs after package installation.\nDisabling does not cause a bootloop and package installation still works fine.",
"description":"Security Guard Service\nThe app includes three different antivirus brands built in that the user can choose from to keep their phone protected: Avast, AVL and Tencent. \nUpon selecting the app, the user selects one of these providers as the default Anti-Virus engine to scan the device.\nIt the app that scan an app before installing it\nNOTE : A vulnerability was found in 2019 : https://research.checkpoint.com/2019/vulnerability-in-xiaomi-pre-installed-security-app/\n",
"description":"Guard Provider security app\nThe app includes 3 different antivirus brands built in that the user can choose (Avast, AVL and Tencent). \nThis app notably perform a virus scan of any apps you want to install. \nA serious vulnerability was found in 2019\nWorth reading : https://research.checkpoint.com/2019/vulnerability-in-xiaomi-pre-installed-security-app/\nYou may want to remove this app from a privacy stance.\nhttps://beta.pithus.org/report/797a7e405bc8e767deebbbcab3e06a19b05156de44292c918b582dff3078d7b8\nIMPORTANT NOTE: Removing this package will very likely break any app installation/update.\n",
"warning":"If you remove this package on devices based on MIUI 12+ with Android 11+, you will loose navigation gestures and recent apps view EVEN with a 3rd party launcher...\nMake sure you've installed another launcher before you disable",
"description":"Mi Mover (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.miui.huanji)\nLets you transfer your contacts, messages, personal files, all the installed apps (but not their data) \nand all the settings (app + system) from an android phone to a Xiaomi phone.\nThe 2 phones will establish a direct wifi connection.\n",
"description":"Quick Apps\nIt's basically an app which shows you ads and tracks you...\nFunny thing, Xiaomi's Quick Apps was reportedly being blocked by Google Play Protect.\nhttps://www.androidpolice.com/2019/11/19/xiaomi-quick-apps-flagged-blocked-google-play-protect/\n#\nReverse engineering of the app : \nhttps://medium.com/@gags.gk/reverse-engineering-quick-apps-from-xiaomi-a1c9131ae0b7\nSpoiler : you really should delete this package.\n",
"description":"Services & feedback\nUsed to send feedbacks (and data) to Xiaomi. Integration in Wechat\nSeems to be able to launch 'Baidu location service'\nHas too much permisions, runs in background all the time and can be removed without issue\n",
"description":"Mi Share\nUnified file sharing service between Xiaomi, Oppo, Realme and Vivo devices using Wifi-direct\nSettings -> Connection & sharing -> Mi Share\nFYI : Wifi direct allows 2 devices to establish a direct Wi-Fi connection without requiring a wireless router.\n",
"description":"Earphones (it's the name of the app)\nProvides the sounds section in Settings and is needed for the equalizing\nSome people removed this package but I personaly don't think it's worth it. This package isn't really an issue\n(no dangerous permissions and does not run in background all the time)\nYou can still remove it. You'll be just fine if you really don't need it.\n",
"description":"Mi Wallpaper \nRemoving this might make it impossible to set a lock or home wallpaper, resulting in a black solid wallpaper.\nNote: it may also result in longer boot times (~15s) because the system try to call miwallpaper during boot",
"description":"Main System Ads\nAnalyzation of user behaviors to show you ads. Yeah Xiaomi phones has ads...\nhttps://www.theverge.com/2018/9/19/17877970/xiaomi-ads-settings-menu-android-phones\n",
"description":"Notifications are working without this app.\nIt is possible to access the app notification settings with long pressing on the notification without the app. However notification settings in the settings menu will be broken without this package. The app is mandatory to enable notifications of apps that have been disabled before.\nNote: embeds a tracking statistics service\n(usage tracking : `id`,`pkgName`,`latestSentTime`,`sentCount`,`avgSentDaily`,`avgSentWeekly)",
"description":"Seems to be App Vault on some phones (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mi.android.globalpersonalassistant)\nhttps://c.mi.com/thread-1017547-1-0.html\n",
"description":"MIUI context menu tool for pre-made text responses while chatting. It has access to the Internet, is linked to MiCloud and contains a weird CloudTelephonyManager class in its code.",
"warning":"Disabling causes a crash when touching the \"Frequent phrases\" item. (The crash occurs in the application that invoked the context menu with this item)"
"description":"Provider for MI Weather app (com.miui.weather)\nContent providers encapsulate data, providing centralized management of data shared between apps.\nhttps://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html",
"description":"Provides \"protection and optimization tools\": App lock, Data usage, Security scan, Cleaner, Battery saver, Blocklist and other features. It is mostly a front-end (UI).",
"warning":"Removing the app may cause bootloops. It does not cause bootloops in Redmi Pad, but you will lose some functionality like the battery status/usage page, as well as the app usage/removal page."
"label":"Security Core Component",
"description":"Core features of the \"com.miui.securitycenter\"",
"description":"Dependency for MIUI Messaging (MIUI SMS app misleadingly called com.android.mms)\nYou can remove it if you don't use the default SMS app (and you should)\nRun in background once the phone is booted, has access to internet and interact with Cloud Manager\n",
"description":"Analytics app which constantly runs in background.\nSends identifiable data to Xiaomi servers\nSee https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/70400d0055e1924966fb8367cafddc175dee914bbdc227342c9dd86fb3aa829f/details\nIt leaks system version, device model, exact firmware build + some few mysterious IDs\n",
"description":"SysoptApplication\nStrange app with no permissions. By looking at the code it seems to be some kind of debug app.\nThe app doesn't seem to do any interesting stuff.\n",
"description":"Spyware which analyses user behavior for targeted ads. Yeah Xiaomi phones has ads...\nhttps://www.theverge.com/2018/9/19/17877970/xiaomi-ads-settings-menu-android-phones\n",
"description":"Quick Ball/Touch Assistant\nTouch assistant with a combination of five unique shortcuts which aimed to give easy and quick access to functions and apps you use frequently.\n",
"description":"Mi Roaming\nIt enables users to connect to roaming data on-demand via virtual SIM technology.\nhttps://alertify.eu/xiaomi-mi-roaming/\n",
"description":"Runs at boot, has access to internet + GPS\nI quickly looked at the decompiled code and saw some unsanitized SQL inputs, which is BAD! (vulnerable to SQL injection)\nTries to get your android unique Google advertising ID from Google Play Services.\nFeeds and launches the spying/analytics app \"com.miui.hybrid\".\nDoesn't seem to do anything important, only tracking.",
"warning":"Some people said removing this package causes bootloop, others said it doesn't. Can someone check this? I think it should be okay to remove if you remove all other dependent Xiaomi packages(bloat)."
"description":"Yellow Page from MIUI.\nREMINDER : Yellow pages contain phone numbers of companies and services. They are provided by Xiaomi partners or businesses themselves.\n",
"description":"Mi Secure sharing\nProvides an option in the settings of the Xiaomi Gallery to automatically remove location and metadata from images \nyou want to share. This do not remove metadata of the picture in the gallery but only the shared copy.\nThere's also a \"Secure sharing\" watermark that shows up when you share photos on WeChat without metadata.\nThe question is does this really remove all EXIF tags? Can someone test?\nThis is a useful app anyway but do not forget that all your photos/vidoes taken with the Xiaomi camera are still geo-tagged \n(+ all others exif tags) by default. \nWhat you can do is at least revoke the GPS permission to the camera.\nFOSS alternative to this app : \nhttps://f-droid.org/fr/packages/com.jarsilio.android.scrambledeggsif/\nhttps://f-droid.org/fr/packages/de.kaffeemitkoffein.imagepipe/\n",
"description":"The Beaming Service enables your device to beam (relay) barcodes, as found on digital coupons, event tickets, library cards, loyalty \ncards and membership cards to 1D red laser and Image based scanners prevalent at nearly every retail store and checkout stand around the world.\nMobeam is a 3-party (https://mobeam.com/)\n",
"description":"Data Store\nOnly useful if you need roaming mobile data when travelling overseas. Has a lot of dangerous permissions and phone home to Vivo domains.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/d7cfa53942159a0e9c1bf3643b5f38496daee4c0225e8155249db9fdc979187c",
"description":"SIM Card Payment also NFC. Only useful in China by hidden image files.\nUICC stands for Universal Integrated Circuit Card.\nIt is the physical and logical platform for the USIM and may contain additional USIMs and other applications.\n(U)SIM is an application on the UICC.\nI guess this package provides support for NFC payments.\nNote: The term SIM is widely used to refer to both SIMs and UICCs in the industry and among consumers.",
"description":"Required for OTA updates which are ssential part of keeping your device secure and up to date with regular security patchs.\nFOTA = firmware over the air",
"description":"It is a protocol specified by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA).\nIt is used by carrier to send \"configuration SMS\" which can setup network settings (such as APN).\nIn my case, it was automatic and I never needed configuration messages. I'm pretty sure that in France this package is useless.\nMaybe it's useful if carriers change their APN... but you still can change it manually, it's not difficult.\nNote : These special \"confirguration SMS\" can be abused.",
"description":"An Application directed SMS (or rather a Port directed SMS) is an SMS directed to a specific port.\nApps need to listen to this port to get the SMS message.\nI don't know if this package allows port directed SMS or if it just provide a proxy feature.",
"description":"Mobile Device Management (MDM) allows company’s IT department to reach inside your phone in the background, allowing them to ensure your device is secure, know where it is, and remotely erase your data if the phone is stolen.",
"description":"If you opt-in, it sends periodic product-related information, including notifications on software updates, tips & tricks, survey and information about new Motorola products and services.",
"description":"Provide OTA system updates.\nOTA (Over-The-Air) updates allow manufacturers to remotely install new software updates, features and services.",
"description":"Most likely provides a special settings menu for Comcast stuff.\nI think it's installed on Xfinity branded phones.\nSafe to remove (tested only on non-Comcast phone).\n",
"description":"Needed for Moto Demo Mode\nenv = environment",
"label":"Moto Discovery",
"description":"Not sure what it does",
"label":"Dolby Atmos",
"description":"Dolby helps you rich and engaging sound.",
"label":"Adaptive volume",
"description":"Used to control the Multi-Volume feature, where apps can have their own volume level set. It can also automatically mute apps that you always mute manually.",
"description":"Auto add CSP (Service Provider code) prefix to your phone when you're abroad.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes\nThis seems to not work correctly and it's generally not a good idea to call home (via GSM) when you're abroad.\nIt's better and cheaper to use chat apps like Signal/Wire",
"description":"Auto add CSP (Service Provider code) prefix to your phone when you're abroad.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_country_calling_codes\nThis seems to not work correctly and it's generally not a good idea to call home (via GSM) when you're abroad.\nIt's better and cheaper to use chat apps like Signal/Wire",
"description":"Enable WiFi tethering/hotspot functionality.\nWhat you can do is preventing the phone from notifying the carrier about when you use hotspot. It will bypass mobile carriers tethering restrictions.\nFrom an ADB shell : settings put global tether_dun_required 0",
"description":"Trust agent is a service that notifies the system about whether it believes the environment of the device is trusted.\nThe meaning of 'trusted' is up to the trust agent to define.\nThe system lockscreen listens for trust events, it can change its behaviour based on the trust state of the current user (e.g detection of a trusted face)",
"description":"Naming convention: imagertuning_[PHONE CODENAME]\nThis is the custom camera image processing stack on Motorola devices. It's generally important for improving image quality.\nPlaystore reviews indicate that it slows down the camera app significantly for some users (probably a bug).",
"description":"App for Alias ID, Shortcut Installer (most of the apps I have seen are Chinese apps).\nIt's some kind of a stub application launcher, if you open any of it's activities it goes to the play store or to the browser.",
"description":"Appears to enable support for a secondary display with Moto's launcher.\nTrying to remove this packages returns \"Failure: package is non-disable\".",
"description":"A default home screen app, provides a layout and display for app icons and listing.\nWARNING: Do not remove this package if you did not switch to a 3rd-pary launcher.\nKeep in mind that removing this package will break the `recent apps` button (even from another launcher).",
"warning":"Uninstalling this breaks the Recents screen in across launchers"
"description":"It's most likely the Total Call Timer or more generally it handles info like the date of manufacture of your device, usage time since first boot etc.\nTotal Call Timer gives you the time you spent calling. I don't know how to access to these info. It may be a hidden menu and may be accessible through the dialer with a special code.",
"description":"Moto (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.motorola.moto)\nApp providing Moto Actions, Moto Display, and other feature families that let you customize the way you interact with your device. \nMoto Actions is another app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.motorola.actions). Gestures set with \"Moto\" prior will continue to work provided \"Moto Actions\" remains installed.\n",
"description":"Moto Care was renamed in \"Moto Help\" and then in \"Device Help\"\nProvide support features.\nhttps://mobile.softpedia.com/blog/Moto-Care-App-Gets-Updated-Now-Called-Motorola-Help-432827.shtml\nHowever you can both have com.motorola.genie (Device Help) and this package so it's strange.\n",
"description":"CQATest\nCQA = Custom Quality Assurance\nHidden menu (accessible by typing *#*#2486#*#* in the Moto Dialer) which lets you run hardware tests.\n",
"description":"This app has permissions descriptions, lab, game mode launch permissions, audio monitor descriptions.\nSo it's permissions to system apps?\nGoogle search shows that it's on some lists that recommend removing this app.",
"description":"Appears safe to remove.\nCarrier Provisioning Service\nProvisioning involves the process of preparing and equipping a network to allow it to provide new services to its users.\nOMADM = OMA Device Management\nBasically, it handles configuration of the device (including first time use), enabling and disabling features provided by carriers.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OMA_Device_Management\nUse case seems very limited : https://www.androidpolice.com/2015/03/10/android-5-1-includes-new-carrier-provisioning-api-allows-carriers-easier-methods-of-setting-up-services-on-devices-they-dont-control/\n",
"description":"Appears safe to remove\nPGM System\nI didn't find info about this package. \nFor Me PGM = Peak Gate Power (for MOSFET transistor) but I'm not convinced it has this meaning here.\n",
"description":"Prip (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.motorola.ptt.prip)\nPush-To-Talk app. Allows to you send calls over any wireless carrier’s 3G or 4G networks or a WiFi connection.\nIt offers unlimited calling between other users and Nextel phone owners, rather than universal calling credit, \nand works on a monthly subscription basis.\nhttps://prip.me/#get\nNo longer in Android 10 image\n",
"description":"Would be weird if it's not related to Motorola Modality Services (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.motorola.slpc)\nHelps your Motorola phone respond more intelligently to motion, phone orientation (e.g. face up/down) and stowed state (e.g in/out-of-pocket).\nHas a noticeable impact on battery?\nFYI : It uses location services.",
"description":"Entertainment hub and life-services application.\nLets you access videos, music and gaming and gives quick access to services such as cabs, movies, recharge, bill payment, food ordering, travel, hyper local deals and Samsung Care, among others.",
"description":"Huawei Swype functions.\nIs it the full Swype keyboard or only the Swype function on Huawei keyboard ? \nNOTE : Nuance company said it would discontinue support of the Swype keyboard app.\n",
"description":"OnePlus LogKit\nShady logging app that system apps can use to log WiFi traffic, Bluetooth traffic, NFC activity, GPS coordinates over time, power consumption, modem signal/data details, \"lag issues,\" and more.\nhttps://thehackernews.com/2017/11/oneplus-logkit-app.html\nhttps://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/second-oneplus-factory-app-discovered-this-one-dumps-photos-wifi-and-gps-logs/\nhttps://nitter.net/fs0c131y/status/930773795656396801",
"description":"Oneplus System\nHandles the Oneplus system framework? Possibly unsafe to disable, but please contribute information about what happens if you do.",
"description":"Oneplus Link\nI'm guessing this has to do with connecting to Oneplus accessories, like the Oneplus Buds (wireless earbuds). Might wanna keep it enabled if you use oneplus accessory devices.\nNoticed no negative effects from disable after weeks of use.",
"description":"Wireless emergency alerts Theme pack\nGuessing it's a pack of themes for the emergency alert UI, based on the name.",
"description":"Always On Display / Ambient Display\nRuns in the background.\nWhen enabled in settings it shows clock and notifications when you raise the phone or touch the screen.\nThis is basically a lower-power lock-screen. It could in theory reduce power draw if you check notifications/clock often as OLED screens draw minimal power showing a mostly black screen(black = pixel off), but in practice the number of times you'll unintentionally trigger it will likely eat up any potential power savings and more. And if your device doesn't have an OLED screen this will draw way more power.\nMost of these power savings could be applied to your standard lock-screen simply by making your background image completely black.",
"description":"Built-in App Updates\nBased on the name I'm guessing it's an upater for built-in Oneplus apps?\nSeems safe to disable, but only seems to run on boot, so there's little to be gained from disabling.",
"description":"Lets you migrate contacts, text messages, photos, and other data from one device to another.\nCan also backup data as a compressed archive.\n",
"description":"Likely a backend service for OnePlus Switch(com.oneplus.backuprestore).\nI've never seen it run in the background.\nProbably safe to disable.",
"description":"Card Package\nWidget which lets you add membership card in Shelf.\nYou enter numbers for a club card or something and it'll store it and generate a barcode for you.\nShelf is a page on your home screen that allows you to take memos, add widgets, gain access to your most-used apps, and get a quick glimpse of the weather. Swipe right (from the left edge of your home screen) to reveal it.",
"description":"Carrier Location Access\nRuns on boot, but not in the background beyond that.\nNot sure what this does. Could be related to detecting region to determine which radio frequencies to use?\nNoticed no ill effects from weeks of having it disabled.",
"description":"OPConfig\nOccasionally runs in the background.\nPackage source is: OPOnlineConfig.apk\nGuessing it might handle communication certificates and general network config for Oneplus apps.\nHas INTERNET and RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED permissions.\n",
"description":"Android System\nImportant system package for Oneplus phones?\nRuns in the background as part of the system.\nContains broadcast dispatch and theme handler services.\nProbably unsafe to disable, but please contribute info about what happens if you do.",
"description":"Carrier Update\nRuns in the background.\ncota = Carrier OTA. Handles carrier-specific OTA updates? Probably safe to disable if you didn't get your phone from a carrier; the normal System Update(com.oneplus.opbackup) should handle the OTA updates. I can confirm that I got an OTA notification even with this disabled.",
"description":"Logging app for diagnosis/troubleshooting when the SIM card state change. Only used on devices running OxygenOS 9 and lower. Runs at boot and triggers when SIM card state change.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/f4c76054795bf55012edf1f60e992b6e339085b9ca2cbe685917a62dd07492c0",
"description":"OnePlus Dialer used in OxygenOS 11 and lower.\nNote: don't forget to download another phone dialer app before removing this package.\n",
"description":"Runs in the background.\nMain Dirac service.\nAudio fidelity improvement from the Swedish company Dirac.\nAttempts to achieve a flat frequency response curve(i.e: fidelity). Should mainly improve speaker fidelity as it can be pre-calculated and stored as a corrective EQ curve, something not possible for most devices connected through the 3.5mm jack; presets only exist for a very limited number of headphones. Change for non-preset 3.5mm jack devices is just a generic EQ curve that could decrease fidelity just as likely as it could increase it.",
"description":"Some kind of Engineer mode? I've no clue.\nContains a bunch of activities with \"info\" in their names.\nContains an \"OpFloatViewService\", but I've never seen it run.",
"description":"Face Unlock\nRuns in the background as part of the system.\nUnlock your device by simply looking at the display.\nFace unlock is bad for security and privacy:\nhttps://www.ubergizmo.com/2017/03/galaxy-s8-facial-unlock-photograph/\nhttps://www.kaspersky.com/blog/face-unlock-insecurity/21618/\nhttps://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-you-should-never-unlock-your-phone-with-your-face-79c07772a28/",
"description":"Used in the factory to test devices.\nType *#808# in the OnePlus dialer to access the hidden menu.\nPotential security risk: it's possible for an app to enable root access on any device with the APK pre-installed.\nFor now, this only works in ADB, which requires local access to the device.",
"description":"Occasionally runs in the background as part of the system.\nAllows you to launch your game library, check game stats(such as playtime), activate game overlay features, change performance settings to tweak game/battery performance during gaming.\nThis is the only way to access the recording buffer functionality (records the last X seconds into RAM and saves them when you tap save), so keep enabled if you need that or any of the other features.\n",
"description":"Sets the Timezone (it is not an NTP client). Automatically starts at boot and connects to `checkip.amazonaws.com` and `gateway.oneplus.com`.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/5e375a6b8da588a1490e42266f4e33975ce73207d79755a109101bd5fb07cc7c",
"description":"IFAA = (China’s) Internet Finance Authentication Alliance\nProvides biometric authentication for Alipay. Safe to disable if you don't use it.",
"description":"OPMinidumpOptimization\nRuns in the background.\nNot sure what it does, but haven't noticed any negative effects from weeks of having it disabled.",
"description":"System Update\nRuns in the background.\nHandles things related to OTA system updates.\nSafe to disable, but probably breaks system updates.",
"description":"OPBugReportLite\nRuns in the background. Runs as part of the system, even if disabled? Disabling does remove all RAM usage tho, and hopefully removes access to user data, as disable/uninstall should sever the connection to the Android user account.\nSilently sends, every 6 hours, battery stats, kernel panics, watchdogs, ANRs and all crashes of your device to Singapore.\nhttps://www.androidpit.com/oneplus-opbugreportlite-data-collection\nSource (yeah it's Elliot Alderson again :D): https://nitter.net/fs0c131y/status/933037531066785797",
"description":"OnePlus Shelf (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oneplus.opshelf)\nWidget panel accessible from swiping down on the top-right side of the screen allowing quick access to apps, meteo, spotify, memos...\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/a50f166c8c2fae1204650c7af1cb287e20ad5286a89b013ada787f4b1b90fc64.",
"description":"Cricket Scores (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oneplus.opsports)\nLets you access and follow cricket teams and tournaments.",
"description":"Work-Life Balance\nNot present in most Oneplus phones? This functionality might have been superseded by other similar apps, like for example Zen Mode.\nHaven't tested, but probably safe to disable.",
"description":"Seems to be Oneplus' Memory Management System according to a press-kit/-release they made for Android 11 (multiple sites wrote \"ORM Memory Management System\" word-for-word).\nRuns in the background as part of the system. Runs even if disabled? Doesn't use any RAM when disabled tho, vs ~50MB when enabled.\nSeems safe to disable, haven't noticed any negative effects in weeks of use, but I assume it breaks the \"RAM Boost\" feature (which is pointless anyway IMO).\nApk file name: OPOmm, mm = Memory Management?\nHas 2 permissions: KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES and SET_TIME_ZONE.\nContains 2 services: OPManagerService and BackgroundCollectorService.",
"description":"Android System Theme pack\nGuessing it's a pack of themes for some Android System component, based on the name.",
"description":"OnePlus Media Storage\nRuns in the background.\nSeems to just add recycle bin functionality to your file management (file browsers). Keep enabled if you like that function. But safe to disable if you don't want it.",
"description":"Screen Recorder\nThe Android 11 screen recorder with some Oneplus modifications.\nRuns the \"SystemUITileService\" when you have it as one of the quicksettings tiles, but doesn't seem to run in the background outside of that.\nDoesn't have an app icon, but you can create a shortcut to it with the Activity Launcher app (to avoid the background service).\nhttps://f-droid.org/en/packages/de.szalkowski.activitylauncher/",
"description":"Dashboard\nRuns \"WidgetViewService\" and \"SecureService\" in the background.\nManages widget data access? Noticed no apparent ill effects on disable in Android 9.",
"description":"Dark theme overlay for com.oneplus.security?",
"description":"OPSes\nApk file name: OPSesAuthentication.\nContains a \"SesService\", but I've never seen it run.\nRelated to Amazon SES?(Simple Email Service) https://aws.amazon.com/ses/",
"description":"SimContacts Manager\nRuns in the background. Manages contacts and sync to SIM? Noticed no apparent ill effects on disable in Android 9.",
"description":"Dolby Atmos\nRuns in the background as part of the system. Runs even if disabled.\nSound tuning for Atmos. Breaks the Dolby Atmos sound settings menu if disabled.\nCould in theory increase loudspeaker fidelity as it can be pre-calculated and stored as a corrective EQ curve, something not possible for headphones (they'd need a unique preset for each pair of headphones).",
"description":"Recorder\nOnePlus sound recording app.\nRequires turning on \"Allow modifying system settings\" to use for some reason? Probably tied to recording phone-calls.",
"description":"OnePlus Buds (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oneplus.twspods)\nCompanion app for Oneplus Buds. For updating firmware and changing settings.",
"description":"App Services\nMight be renamed package of com.heytap.appplatform which is related to Oppo's Heytap account services. Provides a RomUpdateService. Probably not safe to remove.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/2025ceb69d9379a01771de71ff00051eb0f0c7f44226a72c2066db9649b6dcd2",
"description":"OnePlus background process manager. Removing it will solve the notification delay you can have but will disable the virtual ram expansion feature (swap RAM to disk) and the 'close all' button in the 'recent apps' page.\nRemoving this app may deteriorate battery performance.",
"description":"Atlas Service\nSeems to be a Sound provider. Performs a lot of actions upon audio related events. Still not clear if it is really necessary. Runs at boot and stay in background. Pithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/6d0f9433431cd34a8e9aaef99b329b3623118a1699033be36032f64653dab3d0",
"description":"App Enhancement Services\nIf enabled, connects to OPPO servers (icosa-service-eu.allawnos.com) every time a new app is installed. Seems to be mostly focused on gaming performance optimisation according to the settings description:\n'[...] a service that optimises phone performance for specific apps and game scenarios. [...] frame rates, battery usage, touch sensitivity, network connection, vibration and gameplay assistance features.'\nCan be disabled via hidden setting (Settings -> Search 'App Enhancement Services' -> App Enhancement Services).",
"description":"Sends system failure data to developers. Automatically runs at boot.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/6031048af7434e9cfe3435244dd105ac70e3bfe1f25ecdcca9b2a40b356590a2",
"description":"Games (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oplus.games)\nOccasionally runs in the background as part of the system.\nAllows you to launch your game library, check game stats(such as playtime), activate game overlay features and performance settings to tweak game/battery performance during gaming.\nThis is the only way to access the recording buffer functionality (records the last X seconds into RAM and saves them when you tap save), so keep enabled if you need that or any of the other features.Note: new package name of com.oneplus.gamespace (since the merge between Oppo and OnePlus. Oplus = Oppo+OnePlus",
"description":"Seems to be related to the the logging suite.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/0542dbdbe10fd3a868ea497ec92670619670f574bbce37d949975dc109cd316f",
"description":"App Cloner. Allows to clone an app. Have access to all installed apps. Is bundled with OnePlus analytics\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/8a1d0783debb405ebadb3fc52507de5f69ecb55f499732b7331dac74ad69ffd7",
"description":"Car+\n Related to Oppo's car app [APK NEEDED]",
"description":"Secure Payment\nLets you pay with your phone. Privacy issue aside, you should probably not trust their security: https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/hackers-attack-oneplus-again-this-time-stealing-customer-details",
"description":"Emergency Alert service by clicking power button 5 times. It will automatically call contacts (and/or send a SMS) you designated as emergency contacts",
"description":"User Experience Program\nIntrusive telemetry. Runs at boot and constantly stays in background\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/7720549a5b4bc305a15e19b3e17ba6857a52e6e12db94006677c59f2fad84331",
"description":"HeySynergy\nProvides the screencasting feature and OPPO's PC Connect (https://connect.oppo.com/). Don't bother downloading 'PC Connect Desktop' if the 'Phone Connect' Quick Settings tile isn't available on your phone.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/16d9ea536683291fbffe46dedd3c655379b5fcfdb473ec1cab5290cf5af27fba",
"description":"Lets you backup your wifi credentials to the cloud. This app has obviously access to your wifi credential and have the INTERNET permission.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/76e43cf4dc55452f39d9b6117074f4072189d3c8ad9cb295a86e49438545f7aa",
"description":"Emergency Alert service by clicking power button 5 times. It will automatically call contacts (and/or send a SMS) you designated as emergency contacts",
"description":"A WebView is a system component for the Android operating system (OS) that allows Android apps to display content from the web directly inside an application. It's based on Chrome.",
"description":"Samsung Account app\nLots of trackers in this app.\nHas a huge list of permissions. It is an essential app for a lot of samsung apps (which will be removed with the default selection in this list)\nSettings apps will crash if removed on Android 11/OneUI 3.0 (https://gitlab.com/W1nst0n/universal-android-debloater/-/issues/39)\nThis issue happens only if you are running Android 11. If not, you can can (and should) remove this package!\n",
"description":"Access is PayJoy's firmware product which OEMs optionally use to enable automatic setup (“provisioning”) and device management to enable PayJoy's Lock to work “out of the box” to minimize the number of steps for the user and store clerk to get started.",
"description":"Samsung security policy update (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.policydm)\nUpdatable policy files designed to increase android security and detect malicious behaviour.\nHas nothing to do with OTA updates or Android Security patches.\nCan be removed without issue (https://gitlab.com/W1nst0n/universal-android-debloater/-/issues/15)\nSee \"com.samsung.android.spdclient\" for more information.\n",
"description":"IQIYI (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.qiyi.video)\nOnline video platform from Baidu (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQiyi).\nI didn't know this is currently one of the largest online video sites in the world, \nwith nearly 6 billion hours spent on its service each month, and over 500 million monthly active users.",
"description":"RealMe Link (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.realme.link)\nCompanion app for various realme IoT devices. Useless if you don't have a realme watch/band",
"description":"Antivirus analysis on app install. It's up to you. Removing it may decrease your security for a bit more privacy (if we consider this app does this job well which is to be verified).\nThe tested APK is from a Russian phone and might be different from other countries' versions. Application shows highly suspicious activities, sends analytics to HeyTap, connects to Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Vungle, and seems to have anti-debug checks. Was not tested if the phone bootloops once removed.",
"description":"Samsung Text-to-speech service.\nWorks with applications such as S Voice; translation apps, GPS that require Text-To-Speech (TTS) functionality and reads back text.\nWARNING: SOME VERSIONS OF THIS APP ARE VULNERABLE TO PRIVILEGE ESCALATION ATTACKS! It can allow arbitrary RCE as system (UID 1000). Identifier: CVE-2019-16253.",
"description":"Sometimes, eat a LOT of battery (according to some reddit users)\nSecurity policy apps (kind of things which prevents installation of applications)\n",
"description":"Accessibility settings (useful for apps creating virtual buttons such as a pie-menu)\nWeirdly, removing this package can cause a bootloop if you set a lock code on your phone.\n Also used for clearing system cache from apps such as SD-Maid.",
"description":"Samsung Accessory Service (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.accessory)\nLets you transfer data between your Samsung phone and Samsung accessories (GALAXY Gear/Watch...) \n",
"description":"Gear IconX Plugin (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.accessory.beansmgr)\nAllows you to use features such as device settings and status view when connected to a Samsung Gear IconX (2018) device.\n",
"description":"Advanced Calling feature on an Android is a feature that allows you to make calls while using other applications with the use of CELLULAR DATA. In order for this feature to work, HD Voice must be enabled in settings.",
"description":"Needed for VoLTE (Voice over LTE) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_over_LTE\nIMS(Ip Multimedia Subsystem) is an open industry standard for voice and multimedia communications over packet-based IP networks (VoLTE/VoIP/Wifi calling).\nNOTE: This package could be needed for messaging apps that send SMS/RCS code to verify your phone number.",
"description":"AirCommandManager (FACM) gives you access to signature S Pen features. You can access Air command anytime you are using your phone by simply taking out the S Pen.",
"description":"My Airtel Stub app\nMy Airtel is a customer service app designed for Airtel subscribers in Sri Lanka\nThis package isn't the app itself but only a stub\nIt's basically a non-functional empty shell which often only redirect you to the PlayStore to download the full app",
"description":"Wi-Fi Direct\nAllows two devices to establish a direct Wi-Fi connection without requiring a wireless router.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/au/support/mobile-devices/connecting-devices-via-wifi-direct/\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi_Direct",
"description":"Formerly, Samsung AllShare service.\nUsed to stream content from your phone to a Samsung smart TV.\n On devices where the display-name is 'Nearby Service', 'Smart View' will continue to work properly (it doesn't depend on Nearby Service).",
"description":"Samsung Interaction control\nSettings > Accessibility > Dexterity and interaction (or vol. down + home key)\nAllows you to restrict some functions of your phone (stop the phone from interacting with touch commands for instance)\n",
"description":"Samsung Sound detectors\nUses microphone to identify recognizable sounds. For example, if it recognizes a baby's cry, it can alert you with flashing lights so \nyou know to check on your baby. Or it can notify you if it hears the doorbell ring so you know to open the door.\n#\nadv maybe refers to 'Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology' (or simply means 'advanced')\n",
"description":"Always On Display\nNOTE: This package handles the clock on the lockscreen, in addition to the AOD functionality.\nWhen enabled in settings it shows clock and notifications when you raise the phone or touch the screen.\nThis is basically a lower-power lock-screen. It could in theory reduce power draw if you check notifications/clock often as OLED screens draw minimal power showing a mostly black screen(black = pixel off), but in practice the number of times you'll unintentionally trigger it will likely eat up any potential power savings and more. And if your device doesn't have an OLED screen this will draw way more power.\nMost of these power savings could be applied to your standard lock-screen simply by making your background image completely black.",
"description":"Samsung apps edge (https://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/what-is/apps-edge/)\nDisplays your five most frequently used apps for you to access at a moment’s notice.\nBreaks Split-Screen/Multi-Window according to issue#124.",
"description":"Assistant menu\nDesigned for individuals with motor control or other physical impairments. \nBy using Assistant menu, you can access hardware buttons and all parts of the screen by simply tapping or swiping.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/uk/accessibility/mobile-assistant-menu/\n",
"description":"Default 3D live stickers\nAnnoying Stickers/stamps of the Samsung camera app. C'mon it feels like Snapshat.\nhttps://developer.samsung.com/galaxy/stickers",
"description":"Annoying Stickers/stamps of the Samsung camera app. C'mon it feels like Snapshat.\nhttps://developer.samsung.com/galaxy/stickers\nSafe to remove\n",
"description":"Enables you to open your five most used apps by simply swiping the edge of the screen.\nSwipe one of the edges of the screen to bring up information even when your device is locked (with the screen off). \nYou can also set it up to display the news or weather, for example.\n",
"description":"Color adjustment\nSamsung's adaptive super AMOLED screen optimizes the color range, saturation, and sharpness of the picture depending on what you're watching or doing. \nThis package lets you to manually customize the color settings to match your preferences.\n",
"description":"Samsung contacts app\nSafe to debloat if you use another contacts app\nNOTE : If you do, you will no longer be able to access Contacts from the Samsung dialer app.\n",
"description":"Live focus\nAllows you to adjust the level of background blur in the camera app.\nFrom the Samsung Gallery, you can also select from a range of background blur shapes to add characters and shapes to a photo.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/what-is/live-focus/\n",
"description":"Wallaper manager. Needed to pick up a wallpaper on Android 10+.\nHas INTERNET permission and ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION\nBefore Android 10, you should still be able to set a wallpaper from the Samsung gallery without this package.",
"warning":"Removing this app will prevent you to set a new wallpaper on Android 10+ (even from the Gallery) or changing the Material You palette on Android 12+."
"description":"Filter installer\nI have no clue about the usefulness of this package. Maybe it filters apps that are not compatible with the phone.\nThis package is only triggered when you install an app (private class PackageIntentReceiver) \n",
"description":"S Finder is a search application that allows you to find what you want in an instant by searching the content on your Galaxy smartphone and on the web as well. (https://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/what-is/s-finder/)\nNOTE: Removing this will breaks the search in the app drawer.\n",
"description":"I think it enables doing things with LEDs on the cover\n\nhttps://www.samsung.com/hk_en/mobile-accessories/led-cover-for-galaxy-s10/EF-KG973CBEGWW/\nHOW IT WORKS : https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-note-8/accessories/how-led-cover-t3686694",
"description":"I think it enable doing things with LEDs on the cover\nhttps://www.samsung.com/hk_en/mobile-accessories/led-cover-for-galaxy-s10/EF-KG973CBEGWW/\nHOW IT WORKS : https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-note-8/accessories/how-led-cover-t3686694\n",
"description":"Used to connect your phone to a car (with https://mirrorlink.com/ support) in order to provide audio streaming, GPS navigation...\nhttps://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00048972/\n",
"description":"Motion panorama viewer\nLets you see the result of a motion panorama\nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/what-is/motion-panorama/\n",
"description":"Naver V Panel\nSpecial samsung panel for the very useless V LIVE (formerly Naver V) app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.naver.vapp)\nV LIVE is an app that features personal video broadcasts of South Korean celebrities\nThis panel also includes Naver Shopping (https://shopping.naver.com/)\n",
"description":"Samsung bixby reminder (https://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/bixby/reminder/)\nSet up smart reminders to get notified when and where you need to. You can even link websites, videos, photos and more.\nUses wifi/data regularly.\n",
"description":"Selfie panorama viewer\nLets you see the result of a selfie motion panorama\nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/what-is/motion-panorama/\n",
"description":"Samsung Link Sharing\nLets you share large size files by using the Samsung Cloud.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/au/support/mobile-devices/what-is-link-sharing/\n",
"description":"Samsung Free (previously known as 'Bixby Home') is a vertically scrolling list of information that Bixby can interact with for example weather, fitness activity and buttons\nfor controlling their smart home gadgets.\nhttps://galaxystore.samsung.com/prepost/000005445489?appId=com.samsung.android.app.spage",
"description":"The Story Album widget enables you to access the Story Album app and create digital picture albums that you can view and acess directly \nfrom the widget on a Home screen.\nOld feature (from Galaxy S4)\n",
"description":"Handle task edge panel\nThrough Tasks edge, you can quickly perform frequently used tasks, such as composing messages and creating events.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/levant/support/mobile-devices/galaxy-s7-edge-how-do-i-add-tasks-edge/\n",
"description":"Samsung Gear VR (Virtual Reality) setup wizard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_Gear_VR)\nhttps://360samsungvr.com/portal/content/about_samsung_vr\nStub = https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10648280/what-is-stub-and-aidl-for-in-java\nSetup wizard : The first time you turn your device on, a Welcome screen is displayed. It guides you through the basics of setting up your device.\nIt's the setup for Samsung VR services.\n",
"description":"Samsung Gear VR (Virtual Reality) setup wizard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_Gear_VR)\nhttps://360samsungvr.com/portal/content/about_samsung_vr\nStub = https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10648280/what-is-stub-and-aidl-for-in-java\nSetup wizard : The first time you turn your device on, a Welcome screen is displayed. It guides you through the basics of setting up your device.\nIt's the setup for Samsung VR services.\n",
"description":"WitTV (replaced by com.sec.android.app.withtv)\nUsed to stream content from your phone to a Samsung smart TV.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/us/apps/smart-view-2/\n",
"description":"Accessible through AR Zone.\nLets you draw on your face using the front camera and uses AR Core for drawing on the environment with the rear camera.\nOnly Sasmung AR app (afaik) that requests location access, and it refuses to run without it.",
"description":"AR Zone\nhttps://www.samsung.com/levant/support/mobile-devices/which-features-are-available-in-the-ar-zone-in-the-galaxy-z-flip/\nLets you access other AR apps.\n",
"description":"Samsung device protection manager.\nIt's anti-theft feature. I couldn't find exactly what does the samsung layer to the already existing android device protection : \nhttps://www.greenbot.com/article/2904397/everything-you-need-to-know-about-device-protection-in-android-51.html\n",
"description":"Used by Samsung Pass\nBiometric authentication service that can be used to sign in to websites and apps in your mobile.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/samsung-pass/\n",
"description":"Formerly, Quick Share.\nUse Wifi direct to share files between 2 Samsung Galaxy phones (it's only for Samsung Galaxy users)\nQuick Share also lets you temporarily upload files to Samsung Cloud\nThere are better alternatives (compatible with all Android devices and free and open-source):\nFor instance: https://f-droid.org/packages/com.genonbeta.TrebleShot/\n",
"description":"BBCAgent (B. B. Container Agent?)\nCollects device information and manages installation/uninstallation of trusted apps in KNOX containers\n",
"description":"KNOX BBC Provider.\nProvider for KNOX BBC\nContent providers encapsulate data, providing centralized management of data shared between apps.",
"description":"Replaced by Samsung Smart Things (com.samsung.android.ststub)\nAllows users to control, automate, and monitor their home environment via mobile device. \nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SmartThings\n",
"description":"Handles Face recognition unlock.\nNOTE: Removing this package causes biometric prompts in apps to be delayed by 5-8 seconds before appearing. Selecting 'Biometrics and security' in the settings app also locks up the Settings app for about 5-8 seconds but eventually loads and functions as normal.",
"description":"Blue light filter\nUsing the sunrise/sunset option uses the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission. It's better to program the activation of the filter according to the time.\nNote: reducing blue light can prevent eyestrain and other health issues. See https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/blue-light-reduce-effects",
"description":"In order to ensure that a user’s phone receives the appropriate firmware updates, this app is used to identify the carrier network. In other words - it helps to ensure that the correct country-specific firmware is delivered OTA.",
"description":"Samsung Enhanced features\nFiles and profiles sharing feature. It may be called \"Enhanced messaging\".\nUsing this service lets Samsung to automatically collect your phone number, contact list and messages\nhttps://forums.androidcentral.com/samsung-galaxy-s6-edge/523172-enhanced-features.html\nhttps://www.samsung.com/za/support/mobile-devices/what-is-enhanced-messaging/\n",
"description":"Samsung dual messenger (https://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/what-is/dual-messenger/)\nAllows you to use two separate accounts for the same app.\n",
"description":"SamsungDLPService (KNOX). Old feature. Was replaced by SDP (Sensitive Data Protection)\nData Loss Prevention (DLP) feature\nSDP is good because it allows to have encrypted data at rest (= decryption keys not in RAM) even when your phone is on.\nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/admin/whitepaper/kpe/sensitive-data-protection.htm \nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/knox-platform-for-enterprise/admin-guide/sensitive-data-protection.htm\n",
"description":"Samsung Device Quality Agent\nMonitors how the device uses wifi. Has the ability to identify network operator related data.\nFound mention of some packages in the Java code:\n- com.samsung.android.app.mobiledoctor (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.heartwiseVcr)\n- com.samsung.android.dhr (Device Health Report)\n- om.salab.act (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jquiz.act)\n- kr.co.avad.diagnostictool (unkown stuff from South Korea)\n\n2 hard-coded URLs:\nPRD = https://dc.dqa.samsung.com\nSTG = https://stg-dc.dqa.samsung.com\nPRD = Portable Recording Device, STG = Security Threat Group. 2 terms related to law enforcment.",
"description":"Formerly, Dynamic Lockscreen.\nAutomatically changes your Lock screen’s wallpaper every time your Galaxy phone wakes up (wallpapers update every 2 weeks).",
"description":"Samsung Secure Wi-Fi\nSamsung VPN service powered by McAfee\nhttps://www.pcmag.com/news/mcafee-samsung-partner-on-built-in-security-vpn-for-galaxy-s9\nhttps://www.ctrl.blog/entry/what-is-samsung-secure-wi-fi.html\nNote: If you need to use a VPN use something more trustworthy*\n",
"description":"Find My Mobile\nTracks down your device when it gets lost. \nLets you remotely lock your device, block access to Samsung Pay and wipe data from the entire device.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/what-is/find-my-mobile/\nhttps://findmymobile.samsung.com/\n",
"description":"Digital Wellbeing (old version of com.samsung.android.wellbeing)\nThat's an app for device and app usage tracking and limiting.\nhttps://galaxystore.samsung.com/prepost/000004807357\nNOTE for Dex users: uninstalling this package makes the UI unstable, in particular the taskbar is not loaded and UI continues to crash.",
"description":"Samsung Flow (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.android.galaxycontinuity)\nIt's a service to 'seamlessly' connect your devices. You can authenticate your Tablet/PC with your smartphone, share content between devices, and sync notifications or view contents from your smartphone on your Tablet/PC.\nYou can turn on the smartphone's Mobile Hotspot to keep your Tablet/PC connected. You can also log in to your Tablet/PC with your biometric data (Iris, Fingerprints) if you register with Samsung Pass.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/levant/support/mobile-devices/what-is-the-samsung-flow-and-how-to-use-it/\n\nHas more than 81 permissions. Not the kind of app you want to keep installed if you don't use it. It increases the attack surface and can potentially compromise a lot of things (including your computer). FYI, 4 CVE has been discovered between 2021 and 2022: https://www.opencve.io/cve?vendor=samsung&product=samsung_flow\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/77216cd6209c73d00332180319249ac6e4ef8479e68d2a21c97a52fdc5f3d62b",
"description":"It's supposed to \"improve\" game performance.\nHas a \"Game Intent Service\" that runs occasionally. If uninstalling fails, try disabling.",
"description":"Samsung Game Tuner (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.android.gametuner.thin)\nGame Tuner is advanced setting app. It enables you to change the resolution and frames per second settings\nin mobile games that require tuning for different Android devices, and thereby control heat generation and battery drain.\n",
"description":"Gear S Plugin (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.android.gearoplugin)\nPlugin for com.samsung.android.app.watchmanager\n",
"warning":"Do NOT disable if you don't have another keyboard with direct boot mode support, or you'll be stuck at boot (no keyboard to unlock the phone).\nDo NOT remove this package with root if it wasn't first uninstalled with the non-root method.\nRemoving this packages breaks the Accessibility settings on Android 11.",
"description":"Keyboard Content Center\nLets you choose media content (e.g. stickers and music) from the Galaxy Keyboard.\nThis app always runs in background.\n",
"description":"It seems that this package is a kind of spyware. Very difficult to find information about this.\nSome people say it's linked to Carrier IQ (which is a carrier rootkit for the NSA).\nThis package also have very stranges permissions: READ_PLACE / WRITE_PLACE. I couldn't find any explaination on the web.\nSo either it's a useless samsung package or a spyware. I deleted it and I didn't notice anything bad.",
"description":"Samsung Visit In app\n\nIPSGeofence\nIPS = Indoor Positioning System.\nThe concept of Indoor Positioning System designates a network of connected devices within a building making it possible to trace the position of another device – and therefore potentially of a person – in environments where GPS systems are \nnot efficient .\nGeofencing is a technique which consists in activating preconfigured actions when a device enters a certain geographical area.\nFor example, a user can use it to automatically turn on Wi-Fi and home lights when their smartphone is detected nearby.\nIn short, if enabled, this app will track your location everywhere and all the time!\nhttps://www.comparitech.com/blog/vpn-privacy/what-is-geofencing-privacy/",
"description":"Samsung Kids Home (https://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/samsung-kids-home/)\nLets you shape a \"safe environment\" for your child.\nNOTE : You shouldn't give your phone to a child. That bad ! \nhttps://ifstudies.org/blog/a-smartphone-will-change-your-child-in-ways-you-might-not-expect-or-want\n",
"description":"KNOX Attestation\nLets you check the integrity of a Samsung Android device by connecting to a Samsung Attestation server.\nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/admin/whitepaper/kpe/attestation.htm\n",
"description":"Formerly, Workspace.\nProvides an isolated environment to store data (see Secure Folder)\n\nNote: With Knox 3.4, Knox containers are now deprecated and replaced by Android work profiles.\nComunicate with Samsung servers:\n- https://vas.samsungapps.com (App updates)\n- http://cn-ms.samsungapps.com (APK Server).",
"description":"Providess an isolated environment to store data (see Secure Folder)\n\nNote: With Knox 3.4, Knox containers are now deprecated and replaced by Android work profiles.\nComunicate with Samsung servers:\n- https://vas.samsungapps.com (App updates)\n- http://cn-ms.samsungapps.com (APK Server).",
"description":"Handles GPS queries for some Samsung (Galaxy) apps, such as Camera location tagging. Apps exclusively using raw GPS and/or Google Location API are unaffected.",
"description":"Samsung Device Care (phone optimizer)\nThis package phone home (China, Qihoo 360)\nThe clean feature (in storage setting) is provided by Qihoo 360 which is a shady company (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qihoo_360)\nNOTE : If you don't want to delete this package, at least use a firewall (Netguard/AfWall+) to block internet access",
"description":"Samsung Galaxy Friends is an accessory platform service that allows the user to enjoy a variety of content quickly \nand easily by simply connecting an accessory, without having to install additional applications.\nhttps://developer.samsung.com/codelab/SDC18-experiences/Galaxy-Friends\n",
"description":"Not 100% sure, but by looking at the decompiled Java/Dalvik/A.R.T. code it seems the app provides a way to receive call and SMS on Samsung accessories.\nIn any case it is only useful for Samsung IoT stuff.\nEmbeded Google Firebase analytics.",
"description":"MDMApp (Mobile Device Management app)\nUsed to monitor and manage remotely mobile devices.\nFor example locking split-screen, blocking safe mode boot, enabling branding logo in the lock screen, remotely configuring IMAP email...\nMost likely related to KNOX \nhttps://www.samsungknox.com/en/solutions/it-solutions/knox-manage\nhttps://developer.samsung.com/tech-insights/knox/mobile-device-management\n",
"description":"Previously, Mdx Kit Service, MDE Service Framework.\nMDE = Multi Devices Experience.\nFramework for IoT stuff.\nAsks for a LOT of dangerous permissions\nInteracts with \"com.samsung.android.mobileservice\" and \"com.osp.app.signin\"",
"description":"Kind of a hub for managing medias played on smart devices (e.g play music to 2 Bluetooth devices simultaneously with Dual audio)\nHas a lot of permissions and asks for ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES.",
"warning":"Removing this package does not prevent you to connect your phones to smart devices, but oddly enough causes the brightness slider in the notification panel to not be displayed in landscape orientation (it's still shown in portrait) on some devices."
"description":"Galaxy Widget (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.android.mfi)\nProvide you with quick access to information without requiring you to open the app that manages this information\nhttps://www.samsung.com/ie/support/mobile-devices/what-are-widgets-and-how-do-i-add-them-to-my-android-smartphone-or-tablet/\n",
"description":"Its name was Samsung Experience Service, before One UI 1.0 (Samsung Experience version 10.0, Android 8.1). Now, it's Group Sharing. Both have similar functionality, but the legacy version was more akin to Samsung Core Services. Handles your Samsung account and is needed to use some Samsung apps features.\nIt allows you to use multiple Samsung apps, such as Samsung Health, Samsung Pay, Galaxy Apps, Samsung Members, and SmartThings, with your Samsung account credentials.",
"description":"Shows a question-mark button next to Wi-Fi networks that failed to connect for any reason, providing info to fix the specific issue. It also has a dedicated Settings activity that lists all possible help-tips, accessible via the \"More tips\" button when reading a tip.\nUpon reinstalling a notification pops up saying \"Analyzing Wi-Fi\" for a few seconds, no idea what it's doing.",
"description":"Samsung Smart Things (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.android.oneconnect)\nLets you manage all your Samsung and SmartThings-compatible devices.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/smartthings/\n\nProbably needs com.samsung.android.beaconmanager\n",
"description":"Blockchain-powered file sharing system for Samsung phones.\nWhy blockchain? Because it's a nice buzzword! The privacy policy of this Samsung service is really bad: https://libreddit.spike.codes/r/privacy/comments/rqbb9b/samsung_private_share_is_not_so_private/",
"description":"One more package related to camera stickers.\nDO NOT REMOVE THIS IF YOU USE STOCK CAMERA (Samsung camera-app closes after about 4s!) \nadb shell 'pm disable-user com.samsung.android.provider.stickerprovider' can be used as a workaround if you want to stop this running in the background.\n",
"description":"Spyware\nhttps://www.eteknix.com/samsungs-context-service-may-take-data-collection-surveillance-worrying-levels/\nhttps://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2328363/samsung-context-service-will-collect-user-data-to-share-with-developers\nContent providers encapsulate data, providing centralized management of data shared between apps.\nhttps://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html",
"description":"Customization Service\nCollect a massive amount of data (https://www.samsung.com/us/account/customization-service/)\nBasically everything you do on your phone.\nFor \"a better user experience\" blablabla...\nUsed to display customized advertisements about products and services that may be of interest to you\n",
"description":"Auto Fill for Samsung Pass\nOnce your account information is registered, you can use iris, fingerprint, or face recognition to sign in.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00082282/\n",
"description":"Run at startup and ask for an unknown permission SEC_FACTORY_PHONE\nThis package seems to be used for samsung apps needing location.\n",
"description":"(Discontinued) In theory, it lets you connect your phone to a variety of devices over Wifi that support multiple protocols — including Wifi Direct and Miracast — to display photos, video or audio.",
"description":"For quick and easy provision of the main features used by Samsung applications through application updates rather than through the distribution of software updates.\nProvides improved search, extraction, and intelligence features based on text and images. Used in various Samsung applications such as Camera, Gallery, Messages, Contacts, Settings, and Finder.",
"description":"AudioConnectionService\nI believe it allows to modulate an audio signal. I didn't find a lot of apps using this package.\nNothing really worrying but safe to remove if you want.\n",
"description":"Professional Audio\nAllows you to create virtual instrument applications with Android.\nhttps://developer.samsung.com/html/techdoc/ProgrammingGuide_ProfessionalAudio.pdf\n",
"description":"Runs in the background and monitors your device for any change to the system partition. It also listens for use of permissions by 3rd-party apps. This is a feature found in Security settings, named 'permission monitor'\nNOTE: When you root your phone, it will constantly tell you that your device is modified.",
"description":"Provides iris recognition feature.\nNOTE: removing this package causes biometric prompts in apps to be delayed by 5-8 seconds before appearing. Selecting 'Biometrics and security' in the settings app also locks up the Settings app for about 5-8 seconds but eventually loads and functions as normal.",
"description":"Health Platform (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.android.service.health)\n\nIt is a data aggregator. You can use it to link multiple health apps (like Strava, google fit etc) together. This app will unify their collected data and store them all together.\nConstantly phones to Samsung servers.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/968364daf4fbb1828dfe9d8dbcce6d5f7f9a79522a5267c4be5bba19e6cd88b0",
"description":"People Edge\nGives you immediate access to your favorite contacts from the edge of your phone.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/what-is/people-edge/\nhttps://videotron.tmtx.ca/en/topic/samsung_galaxys9/using_people_edge.html\nIt gives you immediate access to your favorite contacts from the edge panel.\n",
"description":"Samsung Services\nResponsible for the persistent notification after every system update if you don't agree to data collection.\nThe only way to dismiss it without agreeing to anything is to click the small text and uncheck all the items in a list. Then the 'Agree' button becomes a 'Skip' button. Removing this package doesn't have any known side effects.",
"description":"Samsung Health Monitor\n\nEnables you to record ECG and blood pressure.",
"description":"Samsung Cloud Gateway\nNEEDED FOR Scloud app\nA cloud storage gateway is designed to provide interoperability between different data protocols used \nin a client (Scloud app)/server cloud architecture. \nMORE INFO : https://searchstorage.techtarget.com/definition/cloud-storage-gateway\n#\nNeeds a lot of permission (including the dangerous one : READ_PHONE_STATE)\nIt means the app has the ability to read the device ID (e.g. IMEI or ESN) and phone number.\nhttps://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission#READ_PHONE_STATE\n#\nHardcoded Alibaba (chinese) server IP ( \nhttps://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/2ef5367f700d2644fc51d2cdd8dd0ce97e9a6594cb5b89052537037c5a7aac56?environmentId=200\nhttps://web.archive.org/web/20200604093347/https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/2ef5367f700d2644fc51d2cdd8dd0ce97e9a6594cb5b89052537037c5a7aac56?environmentId=200\n",
"description":"Smart Manager app \nProvides pretty useless optimizing features using Chinese company Qihoo database.\nAutomatically scans and optimizes data usage to preserve battery levels, manage storage and RAM\nhttps://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/android-community-worried-about-presence-of-chinese-spyware-by-qihoo-360-in-samsung-smartphones-and-tablets/\nhttps://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-note-9/help/samsung-services-dialling-home-to-china-t3894033\n",
"description":"Samsung Device security for the Smart Manager app using McAfee antivirus engine.\nThis is the antivirus in Settings -> Device care -> Security\nPrivacy nightmare(LOTS of permissions!) for a bit of security.\nhttps://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/05dab93ee2102a2fb6edf16e85750eb1f0189d7b82703c6a00c92cd08d62bb28?environmentId=200\nARCHIVE: https://web.archive.org/web/20200607140002/https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/05dab93ee2102a2fb6edf16e85750eb1f0189d7b82703c6a00c92cd08d62bb28?environmentId=200\n\nSome people reported that without this package they weren't able to install apps anymore BUT I personally removed this and\nI still can install apps.\nI think(not sure) that you can remove this safely if you also remove com.samsung.aasaservice and com.samsung.android.sm",
"description":"Samsung Smart Call\nProvides caller profile information to help consumers identify incoming calls and block unwanted ones.\nAlso related to the 'local places' feature in Samsung dialer.\nRelies on Hiya (see com.hiya.star)\nTL;DR : Really bad for privacy.\n",
"description":"SmartFaceService\nUsed to automatically detects faces when using the Samsung camera\nNOTE : This package has nothing to do with face unlock (com.samsung.android.bio.face.service)\n",
"description":"Smart Fitting Service\nAdapts the size/ratio of the screen. Automatic mode is default but there is a manual mode\nhttps://www.samsung.com/levant/support/mobile-devices/galaxy-s8-s8-plus-what-is-the-smart-fitting-display-for-vod-games/\n",
"description":"Samsung Smart View\nEnable you to mirror screen your phone to a TV\nhttps://www.samsung.com/us/apps/smart-view-2/. Dependency for com.samsung.android.video",
"description":"Samsung SmartSwitch\nLets you transfer your data from your old (Samsung) phone to your new one.\nNeeded for com.sec.android.easyMover?\n",
"description":"Samsung Pay (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.android.spay)\nSamsung Pay is a mobile payment and digital wallet service by Samsung Electronics that lets users make payments using compatible phones \nand other Samsung-produced devices\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_Pay\nNOTE : Samsung Pay is KNOX dependant and will never work again if you root your phone.\nFYI : Your data are sold (https://www.sammobile.com/news/samsung-pay-new-privacy-policy-your-data-sold/)\n",
"description":"Samsung Pay Framework needed for Samsung Pay\nSamsung Pay is a mobile payment and digital wallet service by Samsung Electronics that lets users make payments using compatible phones and other Samsung-produced devices. See below.",
"description":"Samsung Pay Mini\nSame service as Samsung Pay but for online payments only and is available on all compatible android devices (not only Samsung devices)\nhttps://www.samsung.com/in/samsung-pay/mini/\n",
"description":"Security policy updates (part of KNOX)\nUpdates the SELinux policies according to Security Enhancements for Android (SE for Android)\nThere are privacy implications to the data collected by Samsung\nhttps://security.stackexchange.com/questions/161190/does-samsungs-security-enhancements-for-android-offer-anything-for-consumers\nNot mandatory if you know what you are doing and if you don't install software from unknown sources.\nNeeds confirmation but removing this package could change SELinux mode (enforcing by default)\nhttps://source.android.com/security/selinux\n",
"description":"Write on PDF (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.android.spdfnote)\nPDF annotator\n",
"description":"From https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/textclassifier/TextClassifier:\nInterface for providing text classification related features.\n\nThe TextClassifier may be used to understand the meaning of text, as well as generating predicted next actions based on the text.\n\nSo it got something to do with text/spelling correction? But a samsung implementation of it. It needs some further testing, so far it doesn't affect even the auto-correct.\nNote: this app has no permission and doesn't run in background when not in used",
"description":"StickerPlugin\nNot sure if this package also provides stickers for camera. I don't have it so I can't test\nhttps://developer.samsung.com/galaxy/stickers\n",
"description":"Allows users to control, automate, and monitor their home environment via mobile device. \nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SmartThings\nREMINDER : stub = https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10648280/what-is-stub-and-aidl-for-in-java\n",
"description":"Provides the photo remaster feature in the Gallery app. Has the camera permission and can access all your medias but performs its job locally on the device.\n\nhttps://www.samsung.com/au/support/mobile-devices/remastering-photos-on-samsung-phone/",
"description":"Impossible to know what this system app does. It has full access to internet network anyway. Safe to remove. Its APK implies it has a UI, but it doesn't have any activities. It occasionally runs a MainService for many consecutive hours.",
"description":"Samsung Voice (S Voice) was replaced by bixby on Samsung Galaxy S8(+) and newer phones.\nVirtual mobile personal assistant capable of running a basic tasks through voice command alone.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/what-is/s-voice/\n",
"description":"Seems to check if a trusted application needs an update and downloads it. \nThis package probably does more than that. There is a LOT of lines of code (obfuscated obviously)\nIt was used to push an update to fix a security issue with the fingerprint sensor in 2019.\nSeems to be only used for biometrics stuff\nThere is Samsung analytics inside. You may want to remove it if you don't use biometrics authentication.\n",
"description":"Authentication Framework for Trusted Application? (don't know what 'Pack' could mean)\nHard to know what this app really does. Seems to be an assets provider used by com.samsung.android.tadownloader.",
"description":"Samsung Theme Center (AKA Galaxy Themes Service)\nRuns at startup and allows you to apply themes from `com.samsung.android.themestore`. Has of lot of permissions (including INTERNET and INSTALL_PACKAGES) and connects to Samsung domains for analytics.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/973ba78ddd74a13dcf5268e980010a64ba42a3d2a1c4c62df277ead5a17cd10c",
"description":"Galaxy Themes\nOfficial Samsung app for modifying your smartphone's theme.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/galaxy-themes/\nYou'll still be able to change your wallpaper without this app (from the Gallery app)",
"description":"Universal Switch lets you designate certain touches or gestures to control specific actions on your phone. \nhttps://www.samsung.com/uk/accessibility/mobile-universal-switch/\n",
"description":"VisionCloudAgent\nCloud Agent is a service which automatically upload on the cloud the photos you take on your phone. It connects to your \"Samsung account\".\nIt is related to Dropbox.\nGiven the Vision in the package name there is a link with Bixby.\n",
"description":"Bixby Vision\nAugmented reality camera that can identify objects in real-time and potentially offer the user\nto purchase them online, translate text, read QR codes, and recognize landmarks. \nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/bixby/vision/\n",
"description":"Mirrors phone's camera to your watch. I can't find a use case for my usage. Safe to remove.",
"description":"Samsung Compass app.",
"description":"The phone will start ringing, if connected to watch via BT or WiFi, when pressing 'start ringing' on the watch.",
"description":"The watch will start ringing, if connected to phone via BT or WiFi, when pressing 'start ringing' on the phone. Also fetches location and is able to lock or factory reset.",
"description":"Samsung Flashlight",
"description":"Customization Service from Samsung. Provides customized content and recommendations. Collects a lot of personal information.\nSee: https://www.samsung.com/us/account/customization-service/\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/0f26752e636a9689bf0603e6023939e23a8cbd7197dea7b44c7ac93e2a930c24",
"description":"Provides the ability to take screenshots from the smart watch.",
"description":"Worldclock app. This also includes a widget, displaying time in different time zones.",
"description":"Samsung Internet Extensions\nSamsung Internet for Android allows users to customize their browsing experience by installing extensions, which are additional software packages that add new features and functionality to the browser and help developers offer tailored services to users on mobile devices.\n\nNOTE: Disabling this broke the UI on my Watch5 for some reason so PROCEED WITH CAUTION.",
"description":"Blocked number storage. Doesn't affect the dialer or contacts.",
"description":"Handles 'open on phone' events. Also, settings often crash when this is uninstalled.",
"description":"Used to sync music with the watch.",
"description":"Samsung account settings. Breaks settings app if uninstalled.",
"description":"Samsung Wearable Setup Wizard\nThe first time you turn your device on, a Welcome screen is displayed. It guides you through the basics of setting up your device.\nIt's the setup for Samsung services.\n",
"description":"Unified Daemon app. Named \"Weather\" on some Samsung Galaxy devices.\nProvides support for a number of different apps on your device. These include the Weather, Yahoo Finance and Yahoo News apps amongst others. The data is used by apps such as the Alarm, Calendar app and the Camera (including the \"Scan QR code\" Quick-Panel tile). If the display-name is \"Weather\", it doubles as the Samsung Weather app, which provides weather widgets.",
"description":"Digital Wellbeing\nThat's an app for device and app usage tracking and limiting.\nhttps://galaxystore.samsung.com/prepost/000004807357",
"description":"Multi-lines settings\nLets you have multiple virtual phone numbers.\nThis feature is only available on some US carrier-locked devices\nhttps://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyS8/comments/6esiub/tmobile_s8s8_multiline_setting_is_awesome/did2pur/\n",
"description":"Formerly, Samsung Video Trimmer.\nLets you quickly trim video files (from the gallery “Edit -> Studio -> Video Trimmer”). This trimmer is both imprecise and inaccurate, ffmpeg is much better.",
"description":"Clipboard Save service saves all the content you saved in the clipboard (clipboard history)\nIf you remove this you will still be able to copy/cust/past but a new content in clipboard will replace the current content.\nIn short : there will no longer be a history.\n",
"description":"CMH Provider is a dependency for the the samsung gallery app. This package asks for a lot of permissions. \nIt seems to be be used for cloud and story stuff in the gallery and also seems needed for content recognition.\nHas the same shared user id as com.samsung.faceservice, com.samsung.mlp, com.samsung.mpl\n \nNOTE : On some phone models, deleting this package can also prevent to preview photos from the camera app.\nSeems to trigger com.samsung.faceservice, com.samsung.mlp, com.samsung.mpl when needed.\n",
"description":"Call+ (https://support.vodafone.co.uk/Vodafone-apps/Call-and-Message/60900956/What-is-Call.htm)\nCall+ features on Samsung dialer\nNOTE: I have the feeling that these features are carrier/country dependant because I don't have them. But I have this package anyway.\n",
"description":"Samsung customization for Google Daydream VR headset (https://arvr.google.com/daydream/)\nNOTE : Google discontinued Daydream in 2019 and it no longer works on Android 10 Samsung devices\n",
"description":"Hard to find what it really does but I do know what DCM is in telecommunication. It means Dual Carrier Modulation.\nTo stay simple, we use signal modulation to transfer information. DCM can be seen as an enhancement to conventional QPSK modulation\nthat expand the coverage and robustness of an outdoor hotspot.\nhttps://www.ekahau.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Webinar-slides-802.11ax-Sneak-Peek-%E2%80%93-The-Next-Generation-Wi-Fi.pdf\nNot a good idea to remove this unless it only impacts samsung apps. Need testing.\n",
"description":"Samsung DEX UI\nExtends your smartphone into a \"desktop computing experience\".\nhttps://developer.samsung.com/samsung-dex/how-it-works\n",
"description":"It shows up as a pane on OneUI home and prompts you to install all sorts of random apps. OneUI works perfectly fine if you uninstall these and simply removes the discover pane.",
"description":"Related to `com.samsung.discover` but doesnt seem to do much on its own. Safe to remove without any effect.",
"description":"Shop Samsung (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.ecomm)\nApp where you can buy all (and only) Samsung products.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/us/explore/shop-samsung-app/\n",
"description":"Enhanced service is the process for Samsung cloud messaging (equivalent to iMessage on iOS).\nMessages on Samsung phones can be transmitted through either the network carrier or the non-archived Samsung service \n(which is transmitted over wireless data).\nThis features is available in stock samsung SMS app settings.\n",
"description":"Face service detection\nAnalyzes all the photos in the Samsung Gallery to detect human faces using Samsung’s built-in face detection technology. Once FaceService identifies that the photo contains a face, it shows a button that allows users to add name tags to the photo and create a People Album of similar photos by selecting the name tag.\n\nSame shared user id as com.samsung.ipservice, com.samsung.mlp, com.samsung.cmh\nNeeded for face recognition in the Gallery\nNOTE : Removing this package does not break face unlock\n",
"description":"Fresco Logging Service\nFresco is an android library for managing images and the memory they use (https://github.com/facebook/fresco)\n",
"description":"Samsung Group Play (discontinued)\nAllows you to share pictures , documents and music files with many people at same time if everyone is connected to a Wi-Fi network. \nhttps://www.samsung.com/in/support/mobile-devices/what-is-group-play-in-samsung-smartphones/\n",
"description":"Set of hidden network settings (inlcuding frequency band choice).\nHow to see these settings: https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-note-8/help/q-hidden-network-settings-pie-t3914421/page4",
"description":"Set of hidden network settings (inlcuding frequency bands choice)\nHow to see these settings : https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-note-8/help/q-hidden-network-settings-pie-t3914421/page4\n\nSame shared user id as com.samsung.faceservice, com.samsung.mlp, com.samsung.cmh\nUsed by Galaxy Finder & Galaxy Vision to access web data\nDo removing this package break face/content recognition? \n#\nName and permissions of this package suggest that it is used by Galaxy Finder to seek stuff on the web.\nSame shared user id as com.samsung.faceservice, com.samsung.mlp, com.samsung.cmh\n",
"description":"Checks the validity of your KLM/KPE (Knox Licence Manager) licence.\nThis packages is needed for Samsung Health (com.sec.android.app.shealth) and probably all Knox related apps (like secure folder, samsung Pay...)\n\nNote: KLM licences are depreciated. Samsung now only support KPE (Knox Platform for Enterprise) keys.\nKPE keys are provided by Samsung and enable app's developers to access knox features.\n",
"description":"Knox Secure Folder (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.knox.securefolder)\nCreate a secure space on your device to encrypt and store your private data and apps.\nhttps://www.samsungknox.com/en/solutions/personal-apps/secure-folder\nNOTE: The key used to encrypt the files is not derived from the password you use to unlock the secure folder \nbut rather from a key stored in the hardware that is set in the factory.\n",
"description":"LogWriter\nWrites data in a logs SQL database.\nRuns at boot and is triggered when an download from an Iron Source (Iron Source is an Israeli advertising company)\napp is completed (probably \"com.aura.oobe.samsung\")\n",
"description":"Samsung Milk Music (discontinued in 2016)\nIt was a freemium online music streaming service, with music streams and a recommendation engine powered by Slacker Radio.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_Music_(streaming_service)\n",
"description":"Samsung content recognition.\nmpl= Media Learning Platform. Has permissions linked to com.samsung.cmh and com.samsung.android.visionintelligence\n",
"description":"Samsung Members (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.oh)\nSamsung community. It's a kind of social media app for Samsung users.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/samsung-members/\nOOOPS ! https://bgr.com/2019/10/31/samsung-members-dong-pic-oops/\nThe other version is \"com.samsung.android.voc\".\n",
"description":"RCS (Rich Communication Services)\nHas permissions linked to com.samsung.cmh, and com.samsung.android.visionintelligence (and I don't understand why).\nRCS is a communication protocol between mobile telephone carriers and between phone and carrier, aiming at replacing SMS.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rich_Communication_Services\nUses IP protocol, so it needs an internet connection.\nIt's a hot mess right now. It aims at being universal but only exists in Samsung Messages and Google Messages, because Google hasn't released a public API yet, so 3rd-party apps can't support it.\nIn a lot of countries messages go through Google's Jibe servers.\nhttps://jibe.google.com/policies/terms/\nhttps://pocketnow.com/why-you-should-probably-avoid-googles-rcs-text-messaging-chat-feature",
"description":"Do something related to Country Specific Code (CSC). Maybe it only let you change your CSC\nEvery Android device from Samsung has a folder called CSC.\nThis folder contains some XML files that keep the configuration codes for the country and carrier-based customization options.\nMaybe it's safe to remove if you'll never change your CSC but it needs testing and I lack time for this.\n(I already have plenty of other packages uninstallation to test)\n",
"description":"Samsung StoryService\nCreate stories in the Gallery from your pictures and videos.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/uk/support/mobile-devices/what-is-video-collage-and-how-do-i-use-it/\nUse of content recognition (so may be related)\n",
"description":"Samsung Visual Voicemail (for T-mobile only)\nAllows you to review and manage your voicemail directly from your smartphone, eliminating the need to dial into your mailbox.\nhttps://mobile.spectrum.com/support/article/360001296667/samsung-visual-voicemail\n",
"description":"Wifi Calling for T-mobile clients only! (tmowfc = t-mobile only wifi calling)\nLets you call or text on Wi-Fi networks with your T-Mobile phone number\nhttps://www.t-mobile.com/support/coverage/wi-fi-calling-from-t-mobile\nVoLTE/IMS is needed for this to work (see com.sec.imsservice)\n",
"description":"Boot agent\nUCS is a company which has partnered with Samsung to provide licenses for Samsung Knox\nhttps://www.ucssolutions.com/blog/samsung-knox/\nI don't have precise information about the package itself but there are chances that it verifies some files on boot. If theses files are not verified\nthen it prevent the phone to boot \n",
"description":"eSE UCS Plugin is another package from UCS. It makes possible for apps to access eSE of Samsung mobile devices by using the UCM \n(Universal Credential Management) APIs and framework.\nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/dev/knox-sdk/faqs/general/what-is-universal-credential-management_-ucm.htm\nhttps://www.samsung.com/semiconductor/security/ese/\nSee above\n",
"description":"Provider for Bixby Vision (com.samsung.android.visionintelligence)\nManages access to data stored by itself, stored by other apps, and provide a way to share these data with other apps.\n",
"description":"Samsung Voice (for Galaxy S7)\nVirtual mobile personal assistant capable of running basic tasks through voice\nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/what-is/s-voice/\n",
"description":"Samsung Verizon Voicemail\nAllows you to review and manage your voicemail directly from your smartphone, eliminating the need to dial into your mailbox.\nYou can scroll through your messages, pick the ones you want to listen to, and erase them right from your device's screen.\nhttps://mobile.spectrum.com/support/article/360001296667/samsung-visual-voicemail",
"description":"Samsung Verizon Voicemail \nAllows you to review and manage your voicemail directly from your smartphone, eliminating the need to dial into your mailbox.\nYou can scroll through your messages, pick the ones you want to listen to, and erase them right from your device's screen.\nhttps://mobile.spectrum.com/support/article/360001296667/samsung-visual-voicemail\n",
"description":"Service mode RIL hidden app. Used for debug and diagnostics\ndial *#0011# for modem connectivity info, *#9090# for diagnostics control\n#\nRIL means Radio Interface Layer. It's the bridge between Android phone framework services and the hardware.\nhttps://wladimir-tm4pda.github.io/porting/telephony.html\nhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/11111067/how-does-modem-code-talk-to-android-code\nSamsung RIL is a add on from Samsung : Modem <=> Linux kernel <=> libsamsung-ipc <=> Samsung-RIL <=> Android framework <=> Android applications\n",
"description":"Automation Test\nAnother hidden test app. A lot of mention of samsung note (memo). Has access to basically everything on the phone\nRelated to these hidden menus (accessible by typing these codes in the samsung dialer) :\n- *#3282*727336*# (Status of data usage) \n- *#273283*255*3282*# (Data create menu) \n- *#*#273283*255*663282*#*#* (Backup all media files)\n",
"description":"Samsung Setup Wizard\nThe first time you turn your device on, a Welcome screen is displayed. It guides you through the basics of setting up your device.\nIt's the setup for Samsung services.\n",
"description":"Related to FeliCa Networks (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FeliCa / https://www.felicanetworks.co.jp/en/).\nFeliCa is contactless RFID smart card system mainly used for wallet function on mobile devices\n#\nHas the permission INSTALL_PACKAGES\n",
"description":"Samsung billing/Checkout\nUsed to purchase apps through Samsung Store application that is delivered with Samsung phones. \nActs as bridge between Samsung Store and payment servers.\n",
"description":"Bluetooth Test\nHidden feature accessible by entering *#*#232331#*#* in the samsung dialer\nWas calling home back in 2015 (https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s5/help/bluetoothtest-apk-calling-home-t3035182)\n",
"description":"Samsung DeX Home (launcher)\nDex Enables users to extend their device into a desktop-like experience by connecting a keyboard, mouse, and monitor.\n\"DeX\" is a contraction of \"Desktop eXperience\".\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_DeX\n",
"description":"Samsung DeX\nExtends your smartphone into a \"desktop computing experience\".\nConcretely this lets you access all your mobile apps and content from a computer.\nOnly works on Windows/MacOS. You will need to install the Samsung DeX app on your computer.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_DeX\nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/samsung-dex/\n",
"description":"Samsung Game Hub\nWas replaced by \"com.samsung.android.game.gamehome\"\nhttps://www.techradar.com/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/the-samsung-game-hub-explained-1143450\n",
"description":"Lets you use your device as a magnifying glass making it easier to read any small font or expand the details of any object, for example.\n",
"description":"Mobile tracker security feature. If someone inserts a new SIM card in your device the device will automatically \nsends the SIM contact number to specified recipients to help you locate and recover you device.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/nz/support/mobile-devices/what-is-mobile-tracker/\n",
"warning":"If you remove this package on Android 10+, you will no longer be able to manage storage the same way as before. For example you will lose the ability to unmount or format the SD card from within the Settings app.\n",
"description":"Optical Read (feature replaced by Bixby Vision : com.samsung.android.visionintelligence)\nLets you scan or extract text or data from images, documents, business cards, or QR codes.\n",
"description":"The Quick Tools panel includes a ruler, a compass and a torch. To add this to the Edge Panel (com.samsung.android.app.clipboardedge)\n",
"description":"Safety assurance is related to emergency features. It is especially used for SOS messages.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/nz/support/mobile-devices/samsung-sos-smart-phone-emergency-message-guide/\nHas obviously a huge amount of permissions.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/a06501fce61a39cb2b38df088eba4d0ce7ca3ed8fce3e8b672d8eb807538fb1f",
"description":"From their privacy policy: \"The information we obtain [...] include, identifiers associated with your devices, types of devices, web browser characteristics, device and operating system type and characteristics, language preferences, clickstream data, your interactions with Samsung Internet (such as the web pages you visit, links you click and features you use), dates and times of your use of Samsung Internet, and other information about your use of Samsung Internet\"\n",
"description":"Samsung web browser lite\nLite version of the Samsung browser (hah! Because the base one was too bloated?)\nDon't use this browser. In their privacy policy: \"The information we obtain [...] include, identifiers associated with your devices, types of devices, web browser characteristics, device and operating system type and characteristics, language preferences, clickstream data, your interactions with Samsung Internet (such as the web pages you visit, links you click and features you use), dates and times of your use of Samsung Internet, and other information about your use of Samsung Internet\"\nhttps://developer.samsung.com/internet/privacy-policy-us.html",
"description":"The Welcome screen which guides you through the basics of setting up your device when you boot it for the first time (or after a factory reset). On some Verizon-carried devices, it can show an annoying \"SIM card not from Verizon Wireless\" notification, for each boot, and it can't be blocked unless you disable the app.",
"description":"SetupWizardLegalProvider\nAll the legal terms you need to accept when you boot your phone for the first time. \nThe Welcome screen which guides you through the basics of setting up your device is the android setup wizard.\n",
"description":"Samsung Health (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sec.android.app.shealth)\nServes to track various aspects of daily life contributing to well being such as physical activity, diet, and sleep.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_Health\nS Health data are stored in a Knox container (with HIPAA compliance)\n",
"description":"Samsung Galaxy (Only installed on older phone before Galaxy S7)\nDon't really know what this app does but majority of people deleted this.\n",
"description":"Responsible for Dolby Atmos and other pre-programmed equalizer stuff (accessible from the Settings app)\nNeeded by Adapt Sound (com.sec.hearingadjust) which a pretty useful but little known feature.",
"description":"Checks after every boot if the ROM and kernel have been modified. This package is usually present on Verizon-locked phones.\nVerizon has the ability to check if your device has root access (content://com.verizon.security/ROOT_STATUS).",
"description":"Samsung Translater (S Translater)\nhttps://www.samsung.com/africa_en/support/mobile-devices/what-is-s-translator-and-how-does-it-work/\n",
"description":"Samsung video editor\nLets you add add transitions, music, stickers and text to your videos. You can also change the speed of the action, \nor even add filters to switch up the mood of your videos.\n",
"description":"wlan test\nHidden test app responding to the #232339*# and *#232338*# secret codes\nFYI : wlan = wireless LAN (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_LAN)\nNOTE: Disabling this test will rise the exclamation mark on the WI-Fi icon and will show the message \"Unable to connect to the host\" in Settings -> Connections -> More connections settings - Private DNS - provider hostname.\nThe connection seems to work despite those esthetic errors.",
"description":"Samsung LED cover service\nDisplay stuff on the LED case.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/us/support/troubleshooting/TSG01001489/\nHOW IT WORKS : https://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-note-8/accessories/how-led-cover-t3686694\n",
"description":"Unified Daemon app \nprovides support for a number of different apps on your device. These include the Weather, Yahoo Finance and Yahoo News apps amongst others. \nThe data is used by apps such as the Alarm, Calendar app and the camera.\n",
"description":"Samsung DeX\nExtends your smartphone into a \"desktop computing experience\".\nConcretely this lets you access all your mobile apps and content from a computer.\nOnly works on Windows/MacOS. You will need to install the Samsung DeX app on your computer.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_DeX\nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/samsung-dex/\n",
"description":"Diagnostic Monitoring Agent\nUsed to send diagnostic data to Samsung\nData collection from Settings > Biometrics and security > Send diagnostic data\n",
"warning":"Disabling this causes scheduled services to aggressively launch it every second, spamming the android crash log and overheating the device, thus draining battery. More info is needed on the dependencies that trigger this behavior. Version tested: 9.0.11."
"description":"Samsung Smart Switch Mobile (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sec.android.easyMover)\nAllows you to easily transfer content (contacts, photos, music, notes, etc.) to a new Samsung Galaxy device. \nhttps://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/smart-switch/\nhttps://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_Switch\n",
"description":"Samsung Easy One Hand mode\nAllows you to temporarily scale down the display size of your screen for easier control of your phone with just one hand.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/au/support/mobile-devices/using-one-handed-mode/\n",
"description":"Emergency mode enables you to extend your device’s standby time when in an emergency situation and want your device to conserve power for as long as possible. When activated, screen brightness will decrease, some of functionality will be limited and the home screen is changed to a black theme, all to reduce battery drain (OLED screens draw less power when showing black, cuz black = pixel off).\nNOT related to SOS messages/911.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/uk/support/mobile-devices/what-is-emergency-mode/",
"description":"Fido is a set of open technical specifications for mechanisms of authenticating users to online services that do not depend on passwords.\nThe UAF protocol is designed to enable online services to offer passwordless and multi-factor security by allowing users to register their device to the online service and using a local authentication mechanism such as iris or fingerprint recognition.\nThe UAF Authenticator-Specific Module (ASM) is a software interface on top of UAF authenticators which gives a standardized way for FIDO UAF clients to detect and access the functionality of UAF authenticators and hides internal communication complexity from FIDO UAF Client.\nSafe to remove if you don't use password-less authentication to access online services.",
"description":"It's a layer that connects authenticator and RP (the application owner) and ensures validity of the connection. It can be browser, desktop application, mobile application, platform(i.e. android/ios).\nSafe to remove if you don't use password-less authentication to access online services.",
"description":"Samsung Gallery app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sec.android.gallery3d)\nNote: Samsung Gallery is a dependency for the camera so it's not a good idea to delete it.\nNote : Good to know. When the original version of the image is deleted, the copy of it within the com.sec.android.gallery3d folder is not removed.\nhttps://athenaforensics.co.uk/com-sec-android-gallery3d-mobile-phone-forensics/\nNOTE : Deleting this package will also prevent to preview photos from the camera app.\n",
"description":"Samsung Game launcher\nCentralizes all your android games. This app can track all your games, how many hours you've spent playing each one, and which genres you play the most.\nRecommends games based on your profile.\nhttps://galaxystore.samsung.com/prepost/000004906980?appId=com.samsung.android.game.gamehome \n",
"description":"Samsung My Emoji Stickers\nLet you turn yourself into an emoji. Woah ! What an incredible feature...\nhttps://www.samsung.com/us/support/answer/ANS00078920/\n",
"description":"Samsung Photo Editor\nDisabling this will disable the inbuilt photo editor accessed via the stock gallery.\nSafe to remove if you don't use Samsung gallery.\n",
"description":"Very shady apk. According to if you're chinese or not, Samsung mount an hidden partition during the first boot and install some apps.\nhttps://nitter.net/fs0c131y/status/1046689524691218432#m\nArchive : https://web.archive.org/web/20200107110205/https://nitter.net/fs0c131y/status/1046689524691218432\n",
"description":"Provider for the notification badges (which are not very useful IMHO)\nProvides a way for apps to use notifications badges.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/au/support/mobile-devices/what-is-app-icon-badge/\n",
"description":"Provider for emergency mode (com.sec.android.emergencylauncher)\nContent providers encapsulate data, providing centralized management of data shared between apps.\nFor example: the Settings provider. It stores all the settings from your Settings app in a database, which apps can query for info on whether you for example have Dark Mode turned on or off.\nhttps://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html",
"description":"Content provider for S Note (https://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/samsung-notes/).\nContent providers encapsulate data, providing centralized management of data shared between apps.\nhttps://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html",
"description":"Provider of password security policies?\nContent providers encapsulate data, providing centralized management of data shared between apps.\nhttps://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html\nSeems to provide access to a password database but I don't know under what circumstances this database is used.\nThis provider is only usable by Samsung apps.\nI see a com.android.security.PASSWORD_EXPIRED intent filter in the AndroidManifest so my guess is it handles password policies.\nFor example: A policy could force a user to change their password after a certain amount of time. That's a common policy in enterprise work.",
"description":"Samsung Device Health Manager Service\nBattery estimation service for Samsung Care/Device maintenance (com.samsung.android.lool)\nThere is some weird stuff in the java code. I don't understand why there is a need to parse torrent files for instance\nor why there is a string \"googleapis.com/drive\"\nhttps://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/reference\n",
"description":"SideSync (discontinued)\nLets you share the screen and data between your PC and mobile device. \nReceive alarms of your phone through PC and use various features of your phone on the computer.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/levant/support/side-sync/\n",
"description":"SplitSoundService\nProvides ability to play music on the smartphone and an external speaker at the same time\nhttps://www.samsung.com/nz/support/mobile-devices/samsung-separate-app-sound/\n",
"description":"UIBC (User input back channel) \nAllows users to experience the dual monitor function, with the keyboard and mouse having the ability to control your smartphone device.\nEither discontinued (for the benefit of Smart View : com.samsung.android.smartmirroring) or related to Smart View. \n",
"description":"Samsung Wallpaper. Needed to set a wallpaper on the launcher.\nNote: it is possible to change the wallpaper and then disable this package.\nUsed wallpapers are stored in /data/data/com.sec.android.wallpapercropper2/",
"description":"Favourite Contacts widget\nLets you add favorite contacts to home screen\nhttps://www.samsung.com/au/getstarted/advanced/create-favourite-contacts-on-your-home-screen/\nIs it only usable when enabling the \"simple use\" senior mode?\n",
"description":"Galaxy Essential widget\nGalaxy Essentials is a collection of specially chosen applications available through Samsung Apps. \nFrom the Galaxy Essentials widget you can access and download a collection of premium content, free of charge.\nhttps://www.samsung.com/my/support/mobile-devices/what-is-galaxy-essentials-and-how-can-i-add-or-remove-it-from-my-smartphone-home-screen/\n",
"description":"Keystore is a secure place provided by Android to store cryptographic keys and make it more difficult to extract from the device.\nThis package is used by enterprise to update certificates on the device.\nNOTE : It allows IT admins to install certificates while the device is still locked. \nThis means certificates can be silently installed into a keystore without any interaction from the device-user.\nIt uses the KNOX TIMA (Named Trust-zone-based Integrity Measurement Architecture) that allows storage of keys in the container for certificate signing using the TrustZone hardware platform.[16] \nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/dev/knox-sdk/about-keystores.htm\nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/dev/knox-sdk/faqs/general/what-is-the-knox-tima-ccm.htm\nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/admin/whitepaper/kpe/client-certificate-manager.htm\n",
"description":"KNOX Attestation\nLets you check the integrity of a Samsung Android device by connecting to a Samsung Attestation server.\nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/admin/whitepaper/kpe/attestation.htm\n",
"description":"Knox Enrollment Service\nmdm = mobile device management = software used by an IT department to monitor employees' mobile devices.\nUsed to enroll/register a large number of phones to the KNOX MDM service\nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/admin/knox-mobile-enrollment/enroll-your-devices.htm\nFYI : https://blog.quarkslab.com/abusing-samsung-knox-to-remotely-install-a-malicious-application-story-of-a-half-patched-vulnerability.html\n",
"description":"KNOX shared device keyguard.\nKnox Configure Shared Device feature enables multiple users to access the same device without sharing data across multiple devices.\nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/KC-Getting-Started/Content/about-shared-device.htm\n",
"description":"I couldn't find information about this package. No permissions asked. It's quite strange.\nMobile device management (MDM) is a type of security software used by an IT department to monitor employees' mobile devices.\nKNOX-dependent.",
"description":"Huh... that's hard to explain quickly. Let's try : \nFirst you need to know that there is a standards organization which develops protocols for mobile telephony called 3GPP (mobile network : 2G/3G/4G/5G).\nRAT (physical connection method to a wireless communication network) non specified by the 3GPP is called non-3GPP. RAT Wifi is non-3GPP.\n\nePDG means Evolved Packet Data Gateway. The main role of the ePDG is to provide security mechanisms such as IPsec tunnelling of connections \nwith the device over an untrusted non-3GPP access. It is mainly use for VoWifi (Voice over wifi).\nFor further information : \n- https://www.3gpp.org/technologies/keywords-acronyms/100-the-evolved-packet-core\n- https://www.aptilo.com/solutions/mobile-data-offloading/3gpp-wifi-access/\n- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_Architecture_Evolution#Evolved_Packet_Core_(EPC)\n#\nSafe to remove if not using VoWifi.\n",
"description":"Samsung Hub (discontinued)\nIt was a cloud-based music service launched by Samsung. It allowed users to listen to music from a variety of Samsung devices\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_Music_Hub\n",
"description":"Samsung Adapt Sound\nConfigures a sound profile according to your ears.\nImprove audio experience in the end (even with headphones)\nhttps://www.howtogeek.com/316375/how-to-use-adapt-sound-on-the-galaxy-s7-and-s8-for-better-sound-quality/\n#\nSettings > Sound and vibration > Sound Quality and effects > Adapt Sound\nNOTE : com.sec.android.app.soundalive is needed\n",
"description":"IMS(Ip Multimedia Subsystem) is an open industry standard for voice and multimedia communications over packet-based IP networks (VoLTE/VoIP/Wifi calling).\nDon't know how this is different from com.sec.imsservice. Could they interact?\nMay be unsafe to disable. Needs more testing.",
"description":"IMS(Ip Multimedia Subsystem) is an open industry standard for voice and multimedia communications over packet-based IP networks (VoLTE/VoIP/Wifi calling).\nVideo calling is also affected.\nNote: Samsung Dialer will crash if you disable this package and have wifi-calling activated in the Dialer's settings.\nMay be unsafe to disable. Needs more testing.",
"description":"Non Sim Device Solution (NSDS) needed for VoLTE and VoWifi (Wifi Calling) if you have a virtual SIM.\nSee com.sec.vsimservice\nUses IMS service\n",
"description":"Kids Mode (replaced by Kids Home : com.samsung.android.kidsinstaller)\nSamsung Kids Home (https://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/apps/kids-mode/)\nLets you shape a safe environment for your child to happily explore and connect with the world.\nNOTE : You shouldn't give your phone to a child. That's bad ! \nhttps://ifstudies.org/blog/a-smartphone-will-change-your-child-in-ways-you-might-not-expect-or-want\n",
"description":"KNOX bluetooth\nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/knox-platform-for-enterprise/admin-guide/bluetooth.htm\nNOTE : This does not affect regular bluetooth.\n",
"description":"KNOX SetupWizardClient\nThe first time you turn your device on, a Welcome screen is displayed. It guides you through the basics of setting up your device.\nIt's the setup for Samsung KNOX services.\n",
"description":"Knox shortcut to switch to workspace \nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/knox-platform-for-enterprise/admin-guide/workspace-shortcuts.htm\n",
"description":"Handles switches between KNOW/Work container and personal profile. \nIt also manages data sharing between them.\nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/dev/knox-sdk/container-data-sharing-policies.htm\n",
"description":"Handles switches between KNOW/Work container and personal profile. \nIt also manages data sharing between them.\nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/dev/knox-sdk/container-data-sharing-policies.htm\n",
"description":"Handles switches between KNOW/Work container and personal profile. \nIt also manages data sharing between them.\nhttps://docs.samsungknox.com/dev/knox-sdk/container-data-sharing-policies.htm\n",
"description":"MLDAP log\nLDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol; I don't know what the M means. Mobile?) is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an IP network.\nDirectory service refers to the collection of software, hardware, and processes that store and organize everyday items and network resources(folders, files, printers, users, groups, devices, telephone numbers...)\nIt looks like a database but it's different.\nDirectory services excel at fast lookups for rarely changing data (email, username etc...)\nDifferences between database and Directory Service : https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/directory-services-vs-rdbms/\nLDAP uses a relatively simple, string-based query to extract information from Active Directory. LDAP can store and extract objects such as usernames and passwords in Active Directory, and share that object data throughout a network. \nExample of LDAP usage : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/239385/what-is-ldap-used-for/592339\n\nI don't know why and how Samsung uses LDAP. This package, according to its name only does logging.",
"description":"Name : SilentLogging\nThis package runs at startup and logs things (related to the modem ?). Seems Pretty shady to me (I don't like its orwellian name).\n",
"description":"Smart Card Manager\nSmart Card enables communication with Secure Elements (SIM card, embedded Secure Elements, Mobile Security Card...)\nThese packages seem to be Samsung implementation.\n",
"description":"Samsung Push Service (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sec.spp.push)\nProvides updates and notifications for services exclusive to Samsung..\nhttps://www.samsunggeeks.com/2015/10/25/what-is-the-samsung-push-service/\n",
"description":"SecVideoEngineService is arguably a Samsung video engine service (handle enconding/decoding ?) for displaying video trough Samsung apps. \n3 permissions : RECORD_AUDIO, CAMERA, INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL\n\nNote: Removing it will break WiFi Calling.",
"description":"NSDSWebApp.\nVirtual SIM is an application-enabled service that requires you to install an app to use a number. \nWith this technology, it is possible for one to have numbers of different countries. \nNon Sim Device Solution (NSDS) is needed for VoLTE and VoWifi (Wifi Calling) if you have a virtual SIM. \nNSDS allows connecting non sim devices to IMS core: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/hemant-kumar-dewnarain-2b779679\n",
"description":"VSim Service \nLets you use a virtual sim\nhttps://www.quora.com/What-is-VSIM-virtual-SIM-technology\nHas a LOT of permissions (and involving IMS service)\nRun at startup.\nFYI : https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/223290/esim-vs-sim-card-what-is-more-secure\n",
"description":"Samsung WatchON (discontinued)\nIt was a service allowing you to view programming information on the TV and choose programs directly from the phone.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_WatchON\n",
"description":"Samsung KMS agent service a client application for Android devices to support eSE-based (embedded secure element) mobile-NFC Services.\nhttps://developer.samsung.com/ese/overview.html\nKMS = Key Management System\nKNOX feature (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samsung_Knox)\n",
"description":"Sony's Video & TV SideView (replaced by \"com.sony.tvsideview.phone\")\nLets you use your smartphone or tablet as a TV remote control for the home.",
"description":"Sony Creative effect\nGives options for various photographic toning effects in the Sony camera app.\nI'm not 100% sure for this one. Can someone confirm ? \n",
"description":"omacp = OMA Client Provisioning. It is a protocol specified by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA).\nIt is used by carrier to send \"configuration SMS\" which can setup network settings (such as APN).\nIn my case, it was automatic and I never needed configuration messages. I'm pretty sure that in France this package is useless.\nMaybe it's useful if carriers change their APN... but you still can change it manually, it's not difficult.\nThese special \"configuration SMS\" can be abused : \nhttps://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/les-smartphones-samsung-huawei-lg-et-sony-vulnerables-a-des-attaques-par-provisioning-39890045.htm\nhttps://www.csoonline.com/article/3435729/sms-based-provisioning-messages-enable-advanced-phishing-on-android-phones.html\n",
"description":"Used to send \"anonymous\" information about how you use your Sony Smartphone to Sony servers.\nIt remains unclear exactly how this information is anonymized.",
"description":"Backup/Restore Sony feature.\nEnables you to backup contacts, call logs, text messages, calendar, settings, bookmarks & media files.\nNOTE: I don't think this feature can backup your messages or calendars for instance if you don't use the Sony stock app.\nhttps://support.sonymobile.com/global-en/xperiaz2/userguide/backing-up-and-restoring-content-on-a-device/",
"description":"Startup Flag Service\nUsed during the production of the phone to verify that the touch input works. \nIt can be triggered when a specific TA-parameter is not set. This should never be triggered and if it does well it doesn't have any use for you.\n\nTA means Timing Advance and its value correspond to the length of time a signal takes to reach the base station from a mobile phone.\nhttps://www.telecomhall.net/t/parameter-timing-advance-ta/6390\n",
"description":"WAP Push\nUsed to display annoying WAP push.\nWAP push is a type of text message that contains a direct link to a particular Web page. \nWhen a user is sent a WAP-push message, he receives an alert, once clicked, directs him to the Web page via his browser.\nPersonally, I don't like this. URLs are now recognized by the SMS instant messaging apps and you just have to click on it.\n",
"description":"Sony Xperia Lounge (discontinued by Sony on August 2019)\nThe Xperia Lounge app was meant to provide loyal fans with various rewards for their Xperia smartphones, \nsuch as exclusive Xperia Themes and wallpapers, as well as competitions.\n",
"description":"Advanced Logging\nSends logs to Sony Mobile. These logs contain a wide range of personal information such as unique device IDs, your location, \ndetails regarding running applications, and events/input leading up to a crash.\nLogging is only active for a short time and automatically disabled once logging has been completed. \nLogs are uploaded when connected to Wi-Fi and automatically deleted when the upload is complete.\n",
"description":"Top Contacts widget\nIt will show pictures of your most frequently used contacts right on your home screen.\nREMINDER : Widgets are small applications that you can use directly on the window screen. They also function as shortcuts\n",
"description":"Old package for AR Effect (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sonymobile.androidapp.cameraaddon.areffect)\nLets you add AR (Augmented Reality) effects to your pictures and videos.\n",
"description":"Anonymous Usage Stats (yes just as com.sonyericsson.idd.agent but it's for other phones)\nUsed to send \"anonymous\" information about how you use your Sony Smartphone to Sony servers.\nIt remains unclear exactly how this information is anonymized.",
"description":"Automatically updates APN settings if your carrier changes them? I thought that was the role of com.android.carrierconfig\nAPN: https://tamingthedroid.com/what-apn-settings-mean",
"description":"Aptx Notifier\naptX (formerly apt-X) is a family of proprietary audio codec compression algorithms owned by Qualcomm.\nIf you don't mind closed source codec, aptX has lower latency and is less of a drain on your battery than default codec (AAC)\nThis package is used to display a notification when a device using aptX (bluetooth headphone typically) is connected.\nIts only use is to tell you that you use aptX bluetooth with the connected device.\n",
"description":"Cell information\nCell broadcast is designed to deliver messages to multiple users in an area.\nThis is notably used by ISP to send Emergency/Government alerts.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cell_Broadcast\nhttps://www.androidcentral.com/amber-alerts-and-android-what-you-need-know\nI think this package only handles notifications for broadcasts, not the implementation.\nIt seems like broadcast SMS use normal notifications so there is a chance this package provides special notification for Sony SMS app?",
"description":"Configuration agent\nSeems to do things cloud related but it's unclear.\nhttps://knowledge.protektoid.com/apps/com.sonymobile.deviceconfigtool/91e44f1e19b364411776d758ff3b27f703bd4b60c9399c43c124f37d0c30df27\n",
"description":"Xperia Actions (discontinued)\nLets you automate some actions (only a few) \nhttps://support.sonymobile.com/global-en/xperiaxz/userguide/xperia-actions/\n",
"description":"Google Analytics Proxy\nAllows you to publicly share your Google Analytics reporting data\nhttps://developers.google.com/analytics/solutions/google-analytics-super-proxy\n",
"description":"Xperia Intelligence Engine\nThis app is supposed to understand how you use the phone, the apps you prefer, and will suggest tips \nand options based on app usage, how often you use an app, what time of day...\nFor me this just looks like a AI bullshit app who has a huge list of permissions and launch in background at boot\nThis app performs geofencing (check if your are located in a certain perimeter, near your home for instance) \nand this doesn't looks great privacy-wise (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geo-fence)\n",
"description":"Smart backlight control\nKeeps the screen on as long as the device is held in your hand. Once you put down the device, the screen turns off according to your sleep setting.\n",
"description":"Smart call handling\nLets you handle incoming calls without touching the screen.\nhttps://support.sonymobile.com/global-en/xperiaxz/userguide/smart-call-handling/\n",
"description":"According to a Sony user it is part of Smart Screen rotation (auto screen rotation based on the gyroscope). Doesn't seem reliable.\nDoes it break the screen-rotation if removed?\nOn Xperia 10VI: doesn't break rotation.",
"description":"Movie Creator (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sonymobile.moviecreator.rmm)\nAutomatically creates short movies using your photos and videos.\n",
"description":"fota update service\nFOTA = Firmware Over-The-Air\nFOTA allows manufacturers to remotely install new software updates, features and services.\nGiven there is \"mtp.extension\" in the package name, I think it lets you update your phone via your PC.\nWhat's weird is that it should be called SEUS then (https://www.mobilefun.co.uk/blog/2008/06/software-updates-sony-ericsson/)",
"description":"Sony's PiP (Picture in Picture)\nAllows videos to shrink down to a small resizable window.\nOnly useful bere Android Oreo which provide native support for PiP?",
"description":"Package is named after POBox (Predictive Operation Based On eXample), a Japanese text entry technology and ambiguous retrieval, proposed in 1998 by Sony CSL fellow Toshiyuki Masuda.",
"description":"Sony 3D Creator (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sonymobile.scan3d)\nLets you capture your stuff in 3D, from your smartphone, and turn people and objects into high-resolution 3D avatars.\nhttps://www.sonymobile.com/global-en/apps-services/3d-creator/\n",
"description":"Sim Lock\nProvide menu (type *#*#7378423#*#* in dialer) to see if your device is locked to a network carrier\nIt need confirmation because it also could be related to SIM network unlock code.\n",
"description":"Detects your charging patterns and estimates the start and end time of your regular charging period. \nThe rate of charging is controlled so that your battery reaches 100% just before you disconnect the charger.\nhttps://support.sonymobile.com/gb/xperiaxz/userguide/battery-and-power-management/\n",
"description":"Xperia™ Lounge Pass service (discontinued)\nThe Xperia Lounge app was meant to provide loyal fans with various rewards for their Xperia smartphones, \nsuch as exclusive Xperia Themes and wallpapers, as well as competitions.\nhttps://www.phonearena.com/news/Sony-Xperia-Lounge-shutting-down_id118252\n",
"description":"Xperia services\nI guess it provides things for Sony apps but I don't know what.\nSafe to remove but it would good be to know what Sony apps work without it.\n",
"description":"Xperia Transfer Mobile (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sonymobile.xperiatransfermobile)\nHelps you move your contacts, messages, photos, and much more from your old Android, iOS or Windows Phone device to your new Xperia from Sony.\n",
"description":"Some overlay for a live wallpaper from Sony? Overlays are usually themes, but not sure about this one as theming seems weird for live wallpapers. Could be that Sony automatically generates theme packages for all or most system apps, which might generate some unnecessary packages.",
"description":"Standard FaceUnlock functionality?\nUnlock your device by simply looking at the display.\nFace unlock is bad for security and privacy:\nhttps://www.ubergizmo.com/2017/03/galaxy-s8-facial-unlock-photograph/\nhttps://www.kaspersky.com/blog/face-unlock-insecurity/21618/\nhttps://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-you-should-never-unlock-your-phone-with-your-face-79c07772a28/",
"description":"Standard FaceUnlock functionality?\nUnlock your device by simply looking at the display.\nFace unlock is bad for security and privacy:\nhttps://www.ubergizmo.com/2017/03/galaxy-s8-facial-unlock-photograph/\nhttps://www.kaspersky.com/blog/face-unlock-insecurity/21618/\nhttps://www.freecodecamp.org/news/why-you-should-never-unlock-your-phone-with-your-face-79c07772a28/",
"description":"Soter is a biometric authentication standard and platform by Tencent.\nhttps://github.com/Tencent/soter\nProvides biometric authentication for WeChat Pay. Safe to disable if you don't use it.",
"description":"Quality Assurance (QA) testing app. The app is used by the manufacturer to to test the correction functionning of the screen, the sensors, the camera, the gps etc...\nHas a lot of permissions.\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/02b71ec4be036fe87b5504b4f752a7c7cb45848b5d666c4307e59df754e164c9",
"description":"Audio Share\nAllows you to share your device’s Bluetooth audio with wireless headphones or bluetooth speakers, allowing to listen to the same music with multiple people\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/0f21ba3944663e53da1d37be3c4253c2e89c3685fbff841127fed2a98e0000ec",
"description":"Supposed to improve battery life but logs especially lots of usage info and bind it to your unique android advertiser id...The app tries to send data to a server. The POST request URL and content is obfuscated and I don't have the time to dig deeper. According to a user, no battery impact after months of usage after uninstalling it.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/7ef2b186a74102828346f23b094ab2aaaad2c57806c7c18e7a23a494f3cc982c",
"description":"Carlcare (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.transsion.carlcare)\nAfter-sales Service app. Lets you check spare parts price,warranty,repair status and nearest service center. Full of trackers. Talks with Facebook (https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/fr/reports/com.transsion.carlcare/latest/)",
"description":"Kids Mode\nPhone monitoring app to control what the user the can do on the phone. Intrusive and use Firebase so its sends data back to Google servers.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/ca30c6d1d7c7625e0850c4114dfea5aab5118d391191d2c074cde1414bbccd8c",
"description":"Improves audio quality depending on your surrounding environment and your headphones.\nHas the GET_TASKS/REAL_GET_TASKS permission which allows it to retrieve information about currently and recently running processes. Not sure why it needs this permission though.\nhttps://www.dirac.com/\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/b2cf41f579c586468faa0270bf63699cca2b500887dba3a699ddd5e35507a1a9",
"description":"It seems to be an \"aftersales user experience logging app\". Really shady app with questionable code (judgeWhiteUser() function. See https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater/pull/112).\n\nStart at boot and can access phone number and IMEI (READ_PHONE_STATE).\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/35fd79ebbe51808196605146a62aaef13bc654477d917078a3ae5d3f06ba8836",
"description":"Tecno health app. Sends your personal data to Firebase google servers and Tecno servers. Those data can be shared with TRANSSION affiliated companies (see https://cdn.shalltry.com/transsionholdings/en/policy.html)\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/2b7cd35081a9fbc82a1da1741cb476d1edaa3262d46a204ea8456c99c4e1b976",
"description":"Hi Party\nAllows you to synchronize and play the same song across multiple *supported* devices. The app creates a wifi hotspot. You can connect up to 6 devices via QR code to simultaneously broadcast music.\n\nNeeds permissions you probably doesn't want to give : READ_PHONE_STATE (can read phone number and IMEI) and ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION.\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/154ee6107d3f5bbb0819719fc7ce5fd17474135081f576f56c29bd26ed70ca14",
"description":"Smart Assistant App\nNearly no code in the APK I got. Weird\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/7fbf0abbb2c28de4c976a388e04d206a88db9e6a42a740914c9e893589fd493b",
"description":"Shows trending news, games and wallpapers on the lockscreen. Talks to ads services\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/fcda43fab1ed9cdc95281cdb96b77938afc8ca4b6e0ada418cac282a78f0cc9f",
"description":"Magic Fonts (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.transsion.magicfont)\nFonts installer with a lot of trackers obviously (https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/fr/reports/com.transsion.magicfont/latest/).",
"description":"Phone Master.\nProvides features like ram cleaning, storage optimisation, data usage analyser, etc. Has embedded Facebook and Google ads trackers. Has 45 permissions and makes request data to many different companies servers. There even is the usesCleartextTraffic=true flag in the Manifest meaning trafic may not even be encrypted\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/a5346fb5ea4fba5b73a891eae064b2bdecefbc7de4f9a13e3dcf94b0a81a20af",
"description":"App Update\nUsed to update apps installed from the Palm Store. Uses insecure encryption algorithm.\nNotables permissions: ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and GET_TASKS (allows to see which apps are running on the phone). Useless background memory hogs if you don't use apps from the Palm Store\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/2584e9529e0988c1c2f9d657c5e2c55d1770e451d4120c176b5a505f2ee1033d",
"description":"Smart Panel (Settings -> Smart Assistant)\nProvides \"easy\" access to your most used apps + features like gamemode and videoAssistant. Collects data and talks with the outside\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/40d4b527fc650a9029e596d14aff7d640a6289e7aa50f471b142391b55eefe4a",
"description":"Sends after-sales telemetry data (including at least the phone number and the IMSI). You don't want this. This app can be launched from this secret dialer code: 862016\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/35fa58c779ac80bcf44875e279cc4a6ba08678b0004e9c8f0816426cf0c584ab",
"description":"TECNO SPOT (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.transsion.tecnospot)\nTecno official app to access the Tecno forum. Useless and full of trackers (https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/fr/reports/com.transsion.tecnospot/latest/)",
"description":"Telemetry. Makes requests (with weak crypto) to the Shalltry CDN (https://mi-test.shalltry.com). Collects IMEI, all the apps installed, localisation...\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/9be13b57bde5620d2ff1824782a2ccc1d6517d437543549c720bc70b6dd02aee",
"description":"Applies beauty effect in WhatsApp video calls. Lots of permissions. Talks to Google ads service.\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/47bebb911e9b5b9202030ce599805ebe3e47eb45054264f49cf85971e232bbce",
"description":"Palm Store. App store with unsecure apps and probably malware. Has ads trackers and lot of intrusives permissions. Shows intrusive ads and popups.\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/35d762b27c9e16703adf1731b74bef2c53a753b6a7475c425bced53b553758e5",
"description":"Quick App\nProvides Quick App support. Quick Apps are Javascript+CSS apps that don't need any installation. This technology has its uses but I'm personally not a huge fan on having to rely on a JS engine to run an application\nThis system app has a lot of permissions (including SEND_SMS, CAMERA, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, RECORD_AUDIO... why?)\nMore information: https://www.xda-developers.com/huawei-quick-apps-alternative-google-instant-apps/\n OW2 Quick App whitepaper: https://quick-app-initiative.ow2.io/docs/Quick_App_White_Paper.pdf",
"description":"Vivo share\nTransfer data between vivo device & PC",
"description":"Open Vivo official website.\nUseless app",
"description":"Voice wake-up. Has a lot of permissions (REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, RECORD_AUDIO...). Kind of a \"smart assistant\" ? It is constantly listening waiting for a trigger word [MORE INFO NEEDED]",
"description":"Speech recognition app for the Vlingo personal assistant\nVlingo : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlingo\nFYI : In January 2012 AndroidPit discovered that Vlingo sent packets of information containing the users GPS co-ordinates,\nIMEI (unique device identifier), contact list and the title of every song stored on the device back to Nuance without.\nSource : https://www.androidpit.com/Vlingo-Privacy-Breach\n",
"description":"WAPI certificate manager\nWAPI = WLAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure.\nA Chinese national standard for Wireless LAN within a limited area such as a home. Not very useful if you don't live in China.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WLAN_Authentication_and_Privacy_Infrastructure\nDigital certificates identify devices and apps for security. Just like your driver’s license shows that you can legally drive, a digital certificate identifies your device and confirms that it should be able to access something.\nhttps://security.stackexchange.com/questions/102550/what-are-wifi-certificates-used-for-what-are-they",
"description":"WAPI Certificates Manager\nWAPI = WLAN Authentication Privacy Infrastructure (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WLAN_Authentication_and_Privacy_Infrastructure\nIt was designed to replace WEP and become the new Standard but it was't rejected by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization)\nIt is currently only used in China\nThis app most likely manage certificates (they are used to make sure you're not connecting to a rogue Access Point)\nNote: If you live in China, you most likely want to keep it.\n",
"description":"OTA Access Point Configuration. it's only hidden configurations to ota, it's not needed for updates.\nIn the case of OTA updates, \"com.miui.core\" is responsible.",
"description":"Provides first time app install for Wiko mobile",
"description":"WTStandardTest\nWingtech is a chinese Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) involved in the manufacturing of Xiaomi devices.\nThere is very high chances this app is only a hardware conformance test app used during production process\nyou don't need as an end-user.\nCan someone share the apk just to be 100% sure?\n",
"description":"omacp = OMA Client Provisioning. It is a protocol specified by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA).\nConfiguration messages parser. Used for provisioning APN settings to Samsung devices via SMS \nIn my case, it was automatic and I never needed configuration messages.\nMaybe it's useful if carriers change their APN. But you still can change the config manually, it's not difficult.\nKeep in mind these special types of SMS can be abused : \nhttps://research.checkpoint.com/2019/advanced-sms-phishing-attacks-against-modern-android-based-smartphones/\nhttps://www.zdnet.com/article/samsung-huawei-lg-and-sony-phones-vulnerable-to-rogue-provisioning-messages/\n",
"description":"Hidden app which associates an action (display logging info) to a secret code.\nThis secret codes have to be dialed from the Xiaomi dialer.\n",
"description":"Mi Account\nHas a LOT of permissions + Facebook trackers. Collects many information, including your phone number, your unique International mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) and your clipboard).\nYou should remove this if you don't have or don't want a Mi account.\nWARNING: Make sure to log out of your Mi Account and unbind your phone from it. If you don't you could be locked out from your phone after removing this package.\nRemove Mi Account: https://xiaomiui.net/how-to-remove-mi-account-7606/\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/3f5abc9d7215dd0be5c3ac137b0cd528217640b5778e9f849a9beb0a34eda8dc",
"description":"GPS location\nI think bsp = board system package (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_support_package)\nNot sure about nps (It might be Non-Permanent GPS station)\nIt's a small package which seems to display a notification when an app is using GPS.\nMore precisely, there is a receiver (GnssEventReceiver) which listen to com.xiaomi.bsp.gps.nps.GetEvent \nThis event most likely happen when an app use the GPS and refers to the state of the communication with the GNSS:\nFIX, LOSE, RECOVER, START, STOP\nIt's safe to remove if you really want to.\n",
"description":"Mi Calendar. Google trackers inside and needs 48 permissions! Obviously talks to Xiaomi servers. The com.mi.health.provider.permission.read_menstruation permissions is really creepy... There are better alternatives.\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/6c68ddd1f9e2d1f9e1df2eab572c07f1e34c4a6490c0ba98554a7356ca2a351d\n\nNote: Since MIUI 12, you can no longer uninstall this app. Disabling it still works fine.",
"description":"Mi Talk \nMi instant messaging app that lets you do practically the same thing as Whatsapp. \nNOTE: You should use Signal or Wire instead Whatsapp/Mi Talk for more privacy.\n",
"description":"Find My Device feature (in the Settings)\nEnables you to locate your lost phone and erase your data remotely.\nYour phone needs to be connected to internet (Wifi/mobile data) for this feature to work.",
"description":"It's not needed for gamespace, disabled by default. It has activities such as AliPay, login to account. I'm not sure what it's needed for.",
"description":"Related to camera app ?\nSafe to remove (according to a lot of users)\nI'd like to have more info about it. Can a Xiaomi user help ? \n",
"description":"MiMacro is an automation task from Xiaomi like touch on MIUI Game Turbo.\nHas INTERNET and READ_PHONE_STATE permission allowing access to the phone number, serial number, whether a call is active, the number that a call is connected to...\nWhat is sure (from the code) is that the app collects the IMEI.\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/2b056ed84fe500552a58184035b962ba68af29457c24930c0aa8c9eba4af7bcf",
"description":"Mi Cloud sdk \nsdk = Software development kit\nSeems to be a dependency for \"com.miui.gallery\" (the MIUI may not work if you remove this package)\n",
"description":"Mi Picks (becomed Mi Apps Store and now Get Apps -- Xiaomi app store)\nI believe this package is discontinued.\nhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mi.global.shop\n",
"description":"Mi Recycle \nXiaomi has extended its partnership with Cashify to launch the 'Mi Recycle' feature through its MIUI Security app. \nIt will let Xiaomi phone users check the health of their smartphone and get their resale value directly from Cashify, \nthe online re-commerce company based out of New Delhi.\nSource : https://gadgets.ndtv.com/mobiles/news/xiaomi-mi-recycle-cashify-miui-security-app-2018024\n",
"description":"o2o = online-to-offline\n==> Describes systems enticing consumers within a digital environment to make purchases of goods or services from physical businesses.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_to_offline\nNOTE: This package can make phone calls without user intervention.\n",
"description":"Mi Pass is an App allows Xiaomi NFC phones to replace cards and keys in real life usage. \nSupport NFC payment, bus card, key card, door and car lock features all together.\n",
"description":"Old package name for Mi Credit (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.micredit.in.gp)\nMi Credit is a personal loan platform from Xiaomi.\n",
"description":"Power Detector\nSecurity> Battery> Activity Control. \nDetects abnormal power usage by apps (not all. Some Xiaomi apps are whitelisted)\nNeeded for 'com.miui.powerkeeper' to work.\n",
"description":"Provider for app index?\nI believe it is a provider for the settings but can't confirm (I don't have a Xiaomi device).\nA lot of people debloat this but I'd like to know more about this one.\nContent providers encapsulate data, providing centralized management of data shared between apps.\nhttps://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html",
"description":"Mi Scanner\nQR code scanner with a lot of questionable permissions : `ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION`, `CALL_PHONE`, `READ_CONTACTS`, `REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES`, `QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES`, `FOREGROUND_SERVICE`, `INTERNET`\n",
"description":"Xiaomi app store (I thinks it's discontinued)\nNow com.mi.global.shop (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mi.global.shop)\n",
"description":"Xiaomi SIM Activation Service\nSIM authentication process to access exclusive features in certain MIUI applications.\nFor the activation to work you need to send a international SMS to China.\nYour carrier may block this by default and/or you'll probably need to pay extra for this.\nAfter SIM activation, you can send text messages (Mi Messages) to other Mi users using internet connection (like i-messages).\nYou will be able to synchronize your messages into Mi Cloud and this also enables the Mi Find Device feature which allows you to track your phone’s location from your online Mi account.\n\nNote: To enable/disable Mi Messages go to Settings -> System Apps -> Messaging and reboot",
"description":"Mi Home (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xiaomi.smarthome)\nIoT. Lets you control with Xiaomi Smart Home Suite devices.\n",
"description":"UpnpService\nUPnP = Universal Plug and Play\nIt’s a protocol that lets UPnP-enabled devices on your network automatically discover and communicate with each other\nFor example it works with the Xiaomi Network Speaker (and probably a lot more Xiaomi IoT stuff)\nUPnP has a lot of security issues and you proably should disable it on your router.\nhttps://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/06/10/billions-of-devices-affected-by-upnp-vulnerability/\nThis package is the Xiaomi implementation on Android (no AOSP support)\n",
"description":"Xiaomi Service Framework\nContains a set of API's for Xiaomi apps. Expect widespread breakage of Xiaomi apps/functionality if disabled.\nDisabling will mess with Alarm clock functionality(according to issue#136) and break Mi Cloud and Mi account (and all features that depend on them).\nI don't know about now, but in 2016 this app constantly tried to establish tcp connections in the background.",
"description":"Vivo document reader\nA lot of permissions for a simple document reader. It can access to internet, can list all the apps you installed, can get your phone number, current cellular network information, the status of any ongoing calls and more!\n\nPithus analysis: https://beta.pithus.org/report/8902163722f5df1ae6228b80124cfa94c2b8a0210a8f6bbb3441e05d69a76d0b",
"description":"OnePlus Common Log Tool\n9 permissions and given what we know about OnePlus logging apps, it's a good idea to disable this.\nSee com.oneplus.opbugreportlite, com.oem.oemlogkit and net.oneplus.odm",
"description":"OnePlus Community (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.oneplus.forums)\nLiterally just their forum... in an app.\nJust use a Browser if you wanna access the forums.",
"description":"Oneplus Launcher\nRuns in the background as part of the system.\nAside from obviously handling the default launcher itself, it also handles the Recents UI on Android 9, the home&recents gestures in Android 11, some submenus in the Settings app and possibly more that I'm unaware of.\nProbably not a good idea to disable.",
"description":"Theme overlay for the Oneplus Launcher?",
"description":"Theme overlay for the Oneplus Launcher?",
"description":"\"OnePlus System Service\"\nShady telemetry app.\nSends loads of data to OnePlus' servers, including IMEI, phone number, MAC addresses, mobile network names and IMSI prefixes, Wi-Fi connection info, the phone's serial number and every time an app was opened.\nSource: https://www.chrisdcmoore.co.uk/post/oneplus-analytics/\nPress: https://www.androidpolice.com/2017/10/10/never-settle-oneplus-found-collecting-personally-identifiable-analytics-data-phone-owners/",
"description":"Insight Provider\nProvider for net.oneplus.odm? (shady telemetry app)\nContent providers encapsulate data, providing centralized management of data shared between apps.\nhttps://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html",
"description":"AppCategoryProvider\nRuns in the background.\nI think this categorizes apps for use with system functionality, for example: automatically adding games to Game Mode.",
"description":"Push\nOnePlus push notifications.\nOnly used by OnePlus' pre-installed apps. Pushes \"surveys and other junk\" according to a user.\nhttps://forums.oneplus.com/threads/psa-non-root-root-stop-oneplus-push-notifications.580058/\nOnePlus can remotely send push notifications:\nhttps://www.androidpolice.com/2019/07/01/oneplus-accidentally-pushed-a-cryptic-notification-to-all-7-pro-users/",
"description":"IFAA = (China’s) Internet Finance Authentication Alliance\nProvides biometric authentication for Alipay. Probably safe to disable if you don't use it.",
"description":"It's an application that turns your smart phone or tablet into a TV remote.\nThe app uses the IR Blaster of your device, so devices not equipped with that feature will not be able to use all of Peel Smart Remote's functions.",