[ { "id": "android.auto_generated_rro_product__", "label": "android.auto_generated_rro_product__", "description": "RRO = Runtime Resources Overlay. Used by OEMs to customize look and feel of certain applications.", "web": [ "https://source.android.com/devices/architecture/rros", "https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/quick-tip-theme-android-with-the-runtime-resource-overlay-framework--cms-29708" ], "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "android.auto_generated_rro_vendor__", "label": "android.auto_generated_rro_vendor__", "description": "RRO = Runtime Resources Overlay. Used by OEMs to customize look and feel of certain applications.", "web": [ "https://source.android.com/devices/architecture/rros", "https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/quick-tip-theme-android-with-the-runtime-resource-overlay-framework--cms-29708" ], "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "android.overlay.common", "description": "Android System Theme pack\nThe package name is pretty self-explanatory.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "android.overlay.target", "description": "Android System Theme pack\nThe package name is pretty self-explanatory.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "android.qvaoverlay.common", "description": "Android System Theme pack\nThe package name is pretty self-explanatory.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.adups.fota", "label": "Wireless Update", "description": "(AKA System Update) FOTA = Firmware Over-the-air. Has a history of spying its users. If the installed version is below 5.4.x, it must be uninstalled.", "web": [ "https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/news/2017/12/mobile-menace-monday-upping-the-ante-on-adups-fwupgradeprovider", "https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-16034/product_id-35606/year-2017/Adups-Adups-Fota.html" ], "removal": "delete" }, { "id": "com.adups.fota.sysoper", "label": "UpgradeSys", "description": "FOTA = Firmware Over-the-air. Has a history of spying its users.", "web": [ "https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/news/2017/12/mobile-menace-monday-upping-the-ante-on-adups-fwupgradeprovider", "https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-16034/product_id-35606/year-2017/Adups-Adups-Fota.html" ], "removal": "delete" }, { "id": "com.fw.upgrade.sysoper", "label": "UpgradeSys", "description": "FOTA = Firmware Over-the-air. Has a history of spying its users.", "web": [ "https://www.malwarebytes.com/blog/news/2017/12/mobile-menace-monday-upping-the-ante-on-adups-fwupgradeprovider", "https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-16034/product_id-35606/year-2017/Adups-Adups-Fota.html" ], "removal": "delete" }, { "id": "com.android.bluetooth.overlay.common", "description": "Overlays are usually themes.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.dialer.basiccolorblack.overlay", "description": "Dark theme overlay for AOSP Dialer?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.dialer.basiccolorwhite.overlay", "description": "Light theme overlay for AOSP Dialer?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.emergency.basiccolorblack.overlay", "description": "Dark theme for Emergency rescue?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.emergency.basiccolorwhite.overlay", "description": "Dark theme for Emergency rescue?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.gallery3d.refocus", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.hotspot2.osulogin", "label": "OsuLogin", "description": "Provides wifi tethering i.e. lets you share your mobile device's Internet connection with other devices.", "web": [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tethering" ], "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.launcher3", "label": "Quickstep", "description": "The AOSP launcher. OEMs frequently use this to deliver their own launcher.", "removal": "caution", "warning": "You need to install another launcher before removing it.", "suggestions": "launchers" }, { "id": "com.android.networkstack.inprocess", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.networkstack.permissionconfig", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.phone.basiccolorblack.overlay", "description": "Dark theme for phone app?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.phone.basiccolorwhite.overlay", "description": "Light theme for phone app?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.phone.overlay.common", "description": "Phone Services Theme pack\nGuessing it's a pack of themes for the stock phone app, based on the name.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.providers.tctdatahubprovider", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.server.telecom.basiccolorblack.overlay", "description": "Dark theme for something related to call network management?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.server.telecom.basiccolorwhite.overlay", "description": "Light theme for something related to call network management?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.server.telecom.overlay.common", "description": "Call Management Theme pack\nGuessing it's a pack of themes for something related to call management, based on the name.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.settings.basiccolorblack.overlay", "description": "Dark theme overlay for the Settings app?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.settings.basiccolorwhite.overlay", "description": "Light theme overlay for the Settings app?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.settings.intelligence.basiccolorblack.overlay", "description": "Dark theme overlay for the search functionality in the Settings app?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.settings.intelligence.basiccolorwhite.overlay", "description": "Light theme overlay for the search functionality in the Settings app?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.systemui.gesture.line.overlay", "description": "System gesture bar overlay? Probably a bad idea to disable.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.systemui.navigation.bar.overlay", "description": "System navbar overlay? Probably a bad idea to disable.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.android.systemui.overlay.common", "description": "System UI Theme pack\nThe package name is pretty self-explanatory.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.evenwell.whitebalance", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.evenwell.whitebalance.overlay.base", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.example.rftuner", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.fingerprints.serviceext", "description": "Handles fingerprint authentication?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.google.android.apps.carrier.carrierwifi", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.google.android.connectivity.resources", "label": "System Connectivity Resources", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.google.android.networkstack.tethering", "label": "Tethering", "description": "Used for USB and/or Wi-Fi tethering?", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.google.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.common", "description": "Android System Theme pack\nGuessing it's a pack of overlay themes for Android System or Google Play Services based on the name.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.comms", "description": "Android System Theme pack\nGuessing it's a pack of overlay themes for Android System or Google Play Services based on the name.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.gsa", "description": "Android System Theme pack\nGuessing it's a pack of overlay themes for Android System or Google Play Services based on the name.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.google.android.overlay.gmsconfig.photos", "description": "Android System Theme pack\nGuessing it's a pack of overlay themes for Android System or Google Play Services based on the name.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.google.android.overlay.modules.cellbroadcastservice", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.google.android.providers.media.module", "label": "Media", "description": "Provider of media files (images, videos and such).\nContent providers encapsulate data, providing centralized management of data shared between apps.", "web": [ "https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html" ], "removal": "unsafe", "warning": "Breaks file browsers and other forms of file access." }, { "id": "com.gsma.rcs", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.hawk.android.browser", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.hiya.axolotl.tcl", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.hmdglobal.enterprise.api", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.jrd.verizonuriintentservice", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.jrdcom.Elabel", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.jrdcom.Elabel.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.jrdcom.Elabel.overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.jrdcom.filemanager", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.jrdcom.filemanager.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.mediatek.batterywarning", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.mediatek.calendarimporter", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.mediatek.camera", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.mediatek.dataprotection", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.mediatek.gba", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.mediatek.gnssdebugreport", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.mediatek.lbs.em2.ui", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.mediatek.location.mtknlp", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.mediatek.mdmlsample", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.mediatek.mms.appservice", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.mediatek.thermalmanager", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.mediatek.ygps", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.oem.rftoolkit", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.oneplus.asti", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.oneplus.contacts", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.oneplus.overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.oneplus.screenshot", "label": "Screenshot", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.oneplus.sdcardservice", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.oneplus.skin", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.oneplus.sms.smscplugger", "description": "Probably related to SMS based on the name?\nContains no services and I've never seen it run.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.oplus.aod", "label": "Aod", "description": "Multiple sources say that AOD doesnt work without tons of extra services, but on some devices it works without extra services", "web": [ "https://droidwin.com/remove-bloatware-debloat-oneplus-10-pro-no-root/#OnePlus_10_Pro_List_of_Bloatware_Apps" ], "removal": "delete" }, { "id": "com.oplus.deepthinker", "label": "Intelligent Services", "description": "Probably enables the '* is draining battery' notification, kills battery", "web": [ "https://www.reddit.com/r/Realme/comments/u7rfgs/comment/i5vpy9u/" ], "removal": "delete" }, { "id": "com.qti.pasrservice", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.qualcomm.qti.devicestatisticsservice", "description": "Runs in the background as part of the system.\nUnsure of importance; could theoretically mess with efficiency if these stats are used by other system services/processes.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.qualcomm.qti.improvetouch.service", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.qualcomm.qti.qccauthmgr", "description": "QCC-AUTHMGR", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.qualcomm.qti.qtisettings", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.qualcomm.qti.services.secureui", "description": "Qualcomm Secure UI Service.\nUncertain role...\n", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.qualcomm.qti.services.systemhelper", "description": "System Helper Service\nRuns \"SysHelperService\" in the background as part of the system.\nPermissions: DEVICE_POWER, READ_PHONE_STATE, READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE, RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED, WRITE_SETTINGS, WAKE_LOCK and ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER.\nUnclear what it does; need more info.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.qualcomm.qti.simcontacts", "label": "SimContacts", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.qualcomm.qti.workloadclassifier", "description": "Runs \"WLCService\" in the background.\nI assume this has to do with CPU scheduling. Probably important for efficiency, if not basic operation.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.qualcomm.qti.xrvd.service", "label": "XRVD", "description": "Possibly related to Qualcomm Extended Reality (XR)\nhttps://www.qualcomm.com/products/xr-vr-ar", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.recognize.number", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.accessibility.talkback", "description": "\n", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.app.earphonetypec", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.app.telephonyui", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.appseparation", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.brightnessbackupservice", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.callbgprovider", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.camerasdkservice", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.cameraxservice", "description": "CBattery drain related on S10", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.cidmanager", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.coldwalletservice", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.container", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.dialer", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.digitalkey", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.dsms", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.incall.contentprovider", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.localeoverlaymanager", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.mapsagent", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.mcfds", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.motionphoto.viewer", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.networkstack", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.networkstack.tethering.overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.providers.carrier", "description": "\n", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.providers.contacts", "description": "Likely same as com.android.providers.contacts, but for Samsung phones.\nProbably breaks contact functionality if disabled.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.providers.media", "description": "Likely same as com.android.providers.media; scans the device for media files and allows permitted apps access to them.", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.rajaampat", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.secsoundpicker", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.server.wifi.mobilewips", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.service.stplatform", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.service.tagservice", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.setting.multisound", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.singletake.service", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.smartsuggestions", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.uwb", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.vtcamerasettings", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.wifi.resources", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.wifi.softap.resources", "description": "", "removal": "delete" }, { "id": "com.samsung.android.wifi.softapwpathree.resources", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.euicc", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.gamedriver.ex2100", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.gamedriver.sm8250", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.gpuwatchapp", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.huxplatform", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_no_hint", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_no_hint_extra_wide_back", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_no_hint_narrow_back", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.internal.systemui.navbar.gestural_no_hint_wide_back", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.internal.systemui.navbar.sec_gestural", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.internal.systemui.navbar.sec_gestural_no_hint", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.pregpudriver.ex2100", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.qosindicator", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.sait.sohservice", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.sec.android.teegris.tui_service", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.slsi.audiologging", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.samsung.vklayer.sm8250", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.sec.android.Cdfs", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.sec.android.app.uwbtest", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.sec.android.app.volumemonitorprovider", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.sec.android.smartfpsadjuster", "label": "SmartFPSAdjuster", "description": "Adjusts FPS automatically in Samsung phones? Safe to delete.", "web": [ "https://docs.samsungknox.com/CCMode/G985F_Q.pdf" ], "removal": "delete" }, { "id": "com.sec.android.systemupdate", "label": "SystemUpdate", "description": "System updater for Samsung phones.", "web": [ "https://docs.samsungknox.com/CCMode/G985F_Q.pdf" ], "removal": "caution", "warning": "Updates will stop working." }, { "id": "com.sec.factory.cameralyzer", "label": "Cameralyzer", "description": "A factory testing app that allows manufacturers to check for defects in the camera, had a security issue in the past", "web": [ "https://techforesta.com/cameralyzer/", "https://docs.samsungknox.com/CCMode/G985F_Q.pdf" ], "removal": "delete" }, { "id": "com.sec.location.nfwlocationprivacy", "label": "Service provider location", "description": "", "removal": "replace" }, { "id": "com.sec.mhs.smarttethering", "label": "SmartTethering", "description": "", "removal": "delete" }, { "id": "com.sec.unifiedwfc", "label": "Samsung Wi-Fi Calling", "description": "Wi-Fi calling app for Samsung.", "removal": "caution", "warning": "Wi-Fi calling may not work without the app" }, { "id": "com.sonymobile.devicesecurity.service", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.sonymobile.home.product.res.overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.sonymobile.swiqisystemservice", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.srin.indramayu", "label": "Samsung Gift Indonesia", "description": "Special application from Samsung that provides special offers and privileges for Indonesian users", "removal": "delete" }, { "id": "com.st.nfc.dta.mobile", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.android.launcher", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.android.launcher.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.android.launchertheme.res", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.android.launchertheme.res.overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.android.wallpaper.livepicker", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.aota.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.camera", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.camera.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.compass", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.compass.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.demopage", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.entitlement", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.fmradio", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.fmradio.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.fota.system", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.fota.system.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.healthy", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.logger.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.mibc.tclplus", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.mibc.tclplus.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.nfc.gsma.usermenu", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.screenrecorder", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.screenrecorder.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.screenshotex", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.sos", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.tclswitch.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.token", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.usercare", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.usercare.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tcl.vzwintents", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tclhz.gallery", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tclhz.gallery.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tct", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tct.aio", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tct.android.secureinput", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tct.applock", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tct.batterywarning", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tct.calculator", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tct.calculator.a_overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tct.cellular.arda", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tct.contacts.transfer", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tct.diagprotector", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tct.dialer", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": 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"removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.tct.weather", "label": "Weather Forecast", "description": "Weather forecasting app.", "removal": "replace" }, { "id": "com.tct.weather.a_overlay", "label": "com.tct.weather.a_overlay", "description": "Overlay for com.tct.weather. Usage is not known.", "removal": "delete" }, { "id": "com.tct.wfcwebiew", "label": "WfcWebView", "description": "WebView app for TCL", "removal": "caution", "warning": "Make sure to have another WebView before removing it.", "suggestions": "webviews" }, { "id": "com.ts.setupwizard.overlay.overlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.vendor.frameworkresoverlay", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.verizon.cloudsetupwizard", "description": "", "removal": "delete" }, { "id": "com.vzw.easvalidation", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.wtk.factory", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "com.wtk.stresstest", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "ma.android.com.mafactory", "description": "", "removal": "caution" }, { "id": "vendor.qti.iwlan", "description": "Used for VoLTE/VoWifi (Wifi-calling)\nIwLAN = Interworking wLAN.\nSupport for mobile data offloading (use of complementary network technologies for delivering data originally targeted for cellular networks)\nIt means your phone will use the Wi-Fi connection instead of the cellular data connection.\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_data_offloading", "removal": "caution" } ]